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研究生(外文):I-Chuan Chang
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis of Surface Active Pseudo-Dendritic Polyethylenimine and Application for Preparing Catalyst Layer for Fuel Cell
指導教授(外文):Pin-Ling Kuo
外文關鍵詞:surfactantplatium catalystpseudo-dendritic
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  本研究以正十二烷胺(dodecylamine)與aziridine進行反應,製備在末端含有不同ethyleimine (EI)官能基團的擬樹枝狀界面活性劑,並探討其在燃料電池之鉑擔體觸媒的應用。首先以核磁共振儀(1H-與13C-NMR)、紅外線光譜儀(FTIR)與胺基滴定法確定所合成擬樹枝狀界面活性劑其EI數為7與14;並藉由熱重分析儀(TGA)及界劑在水溶液中的表面張力、螢光吸收強度來鑑定界劑本身性質及在水溶液中的行為,結果顯示,所合成擬樹枝狀界面活性劑在水溶液中均是先擴散至空氣/水界面,待濃度增加後才在水溶液中形成聚集體。觀察其對水溶液表面張力下降能力差異不大,顯示接枝超過7枝時,親水性差異不大;在水溶液中易形成聚集體的程度為:C12(EI)14>C12(EI)7;以紫外線可見光光譜儀探討其對銅離子(Cu2+)與鉑離子(Pt4+)之螯合能力,對Cu2+的螯合能力C12(EI)14>C12(EI)7。

  以C12(EI)7為保護劑製備鉑粒子與鉑擔體觸媒研究中,利用穿透式電子顯微鏡評估界劑濃度對還原後鉑粒子之粒徑大小及分布的影響,之後配合X光繞射儀測定所製備鉑擔體觸媒的觸媒粒徑與結晶情況,由結果得:隨著保護劑濃度增加,可有效使鉑粒子粒徑減小;接著以電化學CV曲線及i-t曲線探討界劑濃度及熱處理時間對鉑擔體觸媒的影響。由數據顯示:隨著保護劑濃度增加鉑觸媒效能在[N]/[Pt] = 20時有一最佳表現;而鉑擔體觸媒以280℃進行熱處理,當熱處理5小時可得觸媒最佳表現。
 In this study, hyperbranched ethyleneimine (EI) groups were introduced into dodecylamine by a cationic polymerization with aziridine. The EI numbers (n) of these pseudo-dendritic surfactant were determined by 1H- and 13C-NMR to be 7 and 14, and were characterized by FT-IR. Potentiometric titration shows that nearly 24.62 % and 43.2 % of tertiary amine are obtained for C12(EI)7 and C12(EI)14, respectively. This result shows that those surfactants are nearly dendritic. Then, the measurements of surface tension and the ratio (I1/I3) of intensities of the fluorescence of pyrene for surfactant solutions were used to interpret their behaviors in water. From the experimental results of the surface tension and I1/I3, it is clear that the surfactant monomers in the aqueous solution transfer to the air/water interface before forming monomer aggregates. The degree for these surfactants to reduce the surface tension in aqueous solution is C12(EI)14≒C12(EI)7. The eases for these surfactants to form aggregates in aqueous solution is C12(EI)14>C12(EI)7. The chelating ability of these surfactants towards copper ion (Cu2+) has been examined by UV-vis spectroscopy and result C12(EI)14>C12(EI)7.

 Colloidal platinum nanoparticles were prepared by chemical reduction method with stabilizer C12(EI)7. The architectural effects in particle on the nanoparticle size, size distribution and agglomeration behavior were determined from transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analyses. Different phenomena of the surfactant-protected platinum ion nanoparticles at various surfactant concentrations were observed. When the surfactant concentration were increased the platinum particle size were decreased, displayed the N atom can protect platinum in fource.

 Carbon supported Pt catalysts were prepared by using stabilizer C12(EI)7. By altering [N]/[Pt] ratio and heat-treated time, we confer the morphology and Pt nanoparticles distribution to use TEM、XRD、CV and i-t curves. When the [N]/[Pt] ratio were increased the Pt catalysts efficacy increased either before [N]/[Pt] = 20. When the [N]/[Pt]>20, the Pt catalysts efficacy were decreased because some stabilizer were remained. At [N]/[Pt] = 20, increasing heat-treated time, the Pt catalysts efficacy increased before heat-treated 5 hours. After 5 hours, the Pt catalysts efficacy were decreased due to the Pt particles size increased.
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 原理 3
 2.1 奈米粒子之簡介 3
 2.2 奈米粒子穩定化理論 7
 2.3 燃料電池 14
2.4 觸媒製備 17
2.5 觸媒及效能分析 19
第三章 實驗設備與步驟 28
3.1 實驗藥品與儀器設備 28
3.2 擬樹枝狀界劑之合成 30
3.3 擬樹枝狀界劑之鑑定 31
3.4 擬樹枝狀界劑之溶液行為 34
3.5 鉑奈米粒子與鉑觸媒之製備與粒徑分析 36
3.6 擔體觸媒與電極特性分析 38
第四章 結果與討論 40
4.1擬樹枝狀界面活性劑特性分析 40
4.2擬樹枝狀界劑之溶液行為探討 51
4.3鉑奈米粒子之製備 61
4.4鉑擔體觸媒之製備 67
4.5觸媒電化學效能分析 76
第五章 結論 83
參考文獻 85
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