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研究生(外文):Chun-Chieh Liu
論文名稱(外文):Transport Modeling on Bed Sedimentwith Flexible Textile Work under Irregular Waves
指導教授(外文):Chung-Ho Chien
外文關鍵詞:breaking criteriasediment transport modelflexible textile works
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  在Berkhoff(1972)緩坡方程式之波浪模式檢定結果顯示,使用Goda(1975) 碎波條件計算碎波點附近波高時,其碎波經驗係數Ac需由一般之0.17使用值,調整至0.20時,較能改善動床斷面下碎波點向岸內移,及其鄰近波高的模擬誤差。而應用於發生二次碎波現象之計算時,以近岸穩定波高作為波浪模式的輸入值,亦較能得到良好的計算結果。

  The physical model test data were used to study the application feasibility of the wave model of Berkhoff (1972), sediment transport model of Larson(1988) and bathymetry updating model to simulate the wave transformation and morphology change behind the flexible textile works in this study. Those physical model tests are performed in the sand bed flume with the varied water depth and submerged depth of flexible textile works in a project named as "Protection Program for Erosion of Windbreak Forest Land at Chi-Gu Coast, Tainan".

  As to the application of wave model, based on Mild Slop Equation (Berkhoff, 1972), it is found that the simulating accuracy of breaking location shoreward and wave height transformation in the sand bed could be improved when the coefficient Ac of breaking criteria (Goda, 1975) was increased to 0.20 instead of the suggested value of 0.17 in common. Meanwhile, if the stable wave height incoming before the secondary breaking was taken as the input value in the computing procedure, the better agreement of computed data with those in the model tests could be obtained.

  In the calibration of the sediment transport model (Larson, 1988), the influences of transport rate coefficient Kc and slope-dependent coefficient ε on the transport rate and morphology change without the flexible textile works were first investigated. Then, according to the data comparisons of transport rate and morphology change in the computations and model tests with the varied water depth and submerged depth of flexible textile works, a suitable range of Kc and ε were suggested. In addition, the correction method for the sediment transport function at IV zone in Larson’s model has already submitted in order to get the better agreement of computing results with the morphology data near the water level line in the model tests with flexible textile works.
中文摘要 Ⅰ
英文摘要 Ⅱ
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
表目錄 Ⅴ
圖目錄 Ⅵ
符號說明 Ⅸ

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 研究目的、方法與本文組織 3

第二章 計算模式 4
2-1 波浪場模式 5
2-1-1 邊界條件 6
2-1-2 水位修正 7
2-1-3 能量損失 8
2-2 輸砂模式 11
2-3 地形模式 15

第三章 計算方法及分析結果 16
3-1 輸砂參數之率定 18
3-2 碎波經驗係數不同大小的影響 20
3-3 輸砂公式修正 22
3-4 分析結果 25

第四章 結論與建議 49
4-1 結論 49
4-2 建議 50

參考文獻 51
附表A Case-1~Case-5之Run 1&Run 2計算結果與傳輸率係數 附表A
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