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研究生(外文):Hao-Yuan Cheng
論文名稱(外文):On the Estimation of Wave Period in SWAN Wave Model
指導教授(外文):Chia-Chuen KaoBeng-Chun Lee
外文關鍵詞:wave dissipationSWAN
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  本文在初期的研究中亦發現SWAN模式在推算波浪週期時,確實有低估的現象,經由討論知道可能影響的因素包含了流場、風浪成長項與白沫消散項,但流場在此沒辦法考慮,而成長項經由調整亦不能同時獲得較好之波高週期推算結果,在白沫消散項部分經由討論知道採用平均尖銳度來決定波浪是否消散,會導致不合理的消散,因此本研究利用Alves & Banner(2000、2002、2003)所提出之飽和形態消散項來取代原本之消散項,其概念為判斷各個成分份波的尖銳度是否超過一破碎門檻來決定消散與否,能較合理的描述波浪的消散,但Alves & Banner之結果並不考慮水深的效應,本文將其應用在SWAN波浪模式中並透過Jacobian轉換與分散關係式加入水深的效應,以避免波浪傳遞至近岸受淺化影響產生不合理的消散,本文並利用數值的測試與統計上的誤差指標來率定其中的參數,以獲得較好之波高週期推算結果。
 SWAN wave model have been widely used in wind wave hindcasting and forecasting. In the present study, the wave simulation from SWAN wave model is more precise in wave height, but in wave period there is still inaccuracy. According to the previous research and present discussion, this inaccuracy result of wave period maybe cause from the unreasonable wave dissipation term. The original dissipation term in SWAN model is based on the overall steepness (the average wave steepness) from Hesselmenn 1974. With this concept the dissipation rate is average with whole wave component. This will cause the inaccuracy dissipation as wind wave generation. Especially as wave energy is more separate in the present of the sea. The present study adopt a new dissipation term from Alves & Banner 2003. This dissipation term is based on local steepness different from average one. By this concept, each wave component have own dissipation rate during dissipation process, this is more reasonable from original dissipation term. And result in more accuracy of high and low frequency dissipation. According to the present modification and verification, using new dissipation term can get more accuracy wave period estimation, and subsistent the accuracy of the wave height.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機與目的 2
1-3 前人研究 4
1-4 本文組織 5
第二章 影響SWAN波浪模式推算週期之因子 7
2-1 流場之影響 9
2-2 風浪成長項之影響 10
2-2-1 Snyder指數成長經驗式 10
2-2-2 Janssen指數成長經驗式 11
2-3 白沫消散項之影響 12
第三章 應用飽和型態消散項之觀念於SWAN波浪模式 19
3-1 飽和型態消散項之概念 19
3-2 考慮水深效應之飽和型態消散項 21
3-3 飽和型態消散項反映出之波浪消散特性 23
3-4 半經驗公式之參數計算 24
第四章 採用新型態消散項後波浪週期推算之驗證 34
4-1 模式計算範圍與設定 34
4-2 不同天氣型態驗證之結果 37
第五章 結論與建議 73
5-1 結論 73
5-2 建議 74
參考文獻 75
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