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研究生(外文):Hung-Yun Hsueh
論文名稱(外文):Eugene O’Neill’s Ile and The Emperor Jones: Power, Desires and Capitalism
指導教授(外文):Joseph C.Y.Yen
外文關鍵詞:American RealismAmerican Dreamcapitalismdesirespower
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  美國在資本主義的自由經濟模式下,形成了以發財與致富為最終目標的「美國夢」。然而,追求財富須以正當的方式為之,而非唯利是圖,不擇手段,無所不用其極;否則,就如聖經馬太福音第十六章第二十六節提到 “人若賺得了全世界,賠上自己的生命,又有什麼益處呢?” 尤金.奧尼爾藉著《鯨油》與《瓊斯皇帝》二劇來闡述其對資本主義下的經濟制度作批判,劇中的主角為了追求個人的財富與名利,前者是不達目的絕不終止,罔顧親情的呼喚;後者則極盡詐騙之能事,運用從白人社會所習得的詐術,奴役與他相同的族類,為的只是滿足一己之私慾,兩者終究付出了無法挽回的代價。
  In the United States, under the exaltation of capitalism, people try to pursue their wealth is no other than to fulfill the so-called merican Dream’. However, the making of profits should be within the proper limits. The making of profits without taking into good onsideration of the measures used to make them is not allowed. Biblical dictum in Matt. 16.26, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” Eugene O’Neill criticized the value of capitalism through Ile and The Emperor Jones. The protagonists in both plays voraciously seek for their materialistic goals. The former didn’t stop his pursuing without attaining the goal, regardless of his wife’s earnest request for turning homeward;the latter then gave no limits to victimize the natives with the exploitive habits that he had learned from the white men. What they sought was to satisfy their personal desires and power. Finally they both paid for the unredeemable fate.
  In the introductory chapter, I give a general review about Eugene O’Neill and American theatre, and, also, I give a theme study about power, desires and capitalism. In Chapters Two and Three, Ile and The Emperor Jones are respectively studied according to the subjects such as power, desires and capitalism. In the concluding chapter, I take the Taiwan business tycoon Wen-long Hsu as an example to pronounce my personal comments about a businessman’s attitude toward profits.
Table of Contents

Chapter One:

Chapter Two: Ile----------------------------------------------------------------------29

Chapter Three:
The Emperor Jones--------------------------------------------------------------------39

Chapter Four: Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------58



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