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研究生(外文):Shih-Hsun Lin
論文名稱(外文):How do Enterprise Information Portals Affect the Performance of Collaboration Commerce?
指導教授(外文):Hsin-Hsin Chang
外文關鍵詞:Collaborative commerceEnterprise information portalsKnowledge management
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In the age of knowledge economics, how to get important information and use it to make decisions fast is a hot topic for many companies. For this reason, knowledge management has become a major solution program, and Enterprise Information Portals (EIP) are widely adopted. It is hoped that EIP will create more valuable knowledge for companies. Alongside this development, there has been a change in the nature of business competition.. Enterprises pay more attention to interaction with their collaborative partners because of the evolution of complex value chains and the integrative capabilities of IT. Collaborative commerce will attract more attention than electronic commerce in the 21 century.
This research starts with the interaction between EIP and collaborative commerce, and discusses how EIP affects the performance of collaborative commerce. Finally, this study will try to build a research framework to describe the relationship between four research dimensions.
There are qualitative and quantitative researches in this study. In the qualitative research, we will interview with staff in Yulon Motor Company in order to explore how does EIP work in practice and how Yulon does undertakes collaborative commerce. After interview, difference between theory and practice are identified. In the quantitative research, questionnaires are distributed to R&D staffs in Yulon, China Motor Corporation and Ford motors. Questionnaire data will be analyzed by regression and canonical correlation analyses.
From the analysis results, EIP is significantly associated with collaborative commerce. Due to access restrictions which prevent its use by non-employees, the influence of EIP is weakened. This study suggests that the effectiveness of the various enterprise information systems would be increased by their integration into a single information platform, and specifically that the potential effectiveness of the EIP for collaborative commerce can only be realized by linkage with partners’ information systems.
CHAPTER 1. Introduction.................................1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation..................1
1.2 Research Objectives.................................3
1.3 Research Procedure..................................4
1.4 Research Structure..................................5
CHAPTER 2. Literature Review............................7
2.1 Knowledge Management................................7
2.2 Enterprise Information Portal......................11
2.3 Collaborative Commerce.............................17
CHAPTER 3. Research Framework and Method...............22
3.1 Research Framework.................................22
3.2 Research Hypotheses................................27
3.3 Research Methods...................................31
CHAPTER 4. Case Study..................................33
4.1 Enterprise Information Portal......................33
4.2 Business Process Integration.......................34
4.3 Collaborative Design Team..........................35
4.4 Collaborative Commerce.............................37
4.5 Summary............................................38
4.6 Modified Framework and Hypotheses..................40
CHAPTER 5. Results of Statistics Analyses..............43
5.1 Data Collection and Analyses.......................43
5.2 Reliability Analyses...............................44
5.3 Regression Analyses................................49
5.4 Canonical Correlation Analyses.....................57
CHAPTER 6. Research Conclusions and Suggestions........62
6.1 Conclusions........................................62
6.2 Contribution to Research and Practice..............65
6.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research....67

List of Tables
2-1 Four Categories of Knowledge Conversion.......................11
2-2 Portals Support Knowledge Process.............................16
4-1 Four Main Functions of EIP....................................33
4-2 Differences and Similarities between Theory and Practice......39
4-3 Modified Hypotheses...........................................42
5-1 Questionnaire Returns by Target...............................44
5-2 Reliability Analysis for Enterprise Information Portals.......45
5-3 Reliability Analysis for Business Process Integration.........46
5-4 Reliability Analysis for Collaborative Design Team............47
5-5 Reliability Analysis for Collaborative Commerce...............48
5-6 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H1.........................51
5-7 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H2.........................53
5-8 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H3.........................54
5-9 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H4.........................55
5-10 Regression Analysis for Hypothesis H5........................57
5-11 Canonical Analysis for Process Integration and C-Commerce....58
5-12 Canonical Analysis for Collaborative Team and C-Commerce.....60
6-1 Regression Analyses of Research Hypotheses....................64

List of Configures
1-1 Research Procedure4
2-1 The Process of Knowledge Management...................................8
2-2 SECI Model of Knowledge Creation.....................................11
2-3 EIP Framework Source.................................................13
3-1 Three Key Components of Successful Collaborative Commerce............23
3-2 Research Framework...................................................27
3-3 Design Procedure of Questionnaire....................................32
4-1 Modified Research Framework..........................................41
5-1 Canonical Correlation Model for Process Integration and C-Commerce...59
5-2 Canonical Correlation Model for Collaborative Team and C-Commerce....60
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