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研究生(外文):Chao-Sheng Chiu
指導教授(外文):Hae-Ching Chang
外文關鍵詞:Web-based learningSatisfactionQualityFairnessContinuance intention
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  Like any other information system (IS), the success of Web-based learning depends largely on user satisfaction and other factors that will eventually increase users’ intention to continue using it. This research integrates IS success model and fairness theory to construct a model for investigating the motivations behind learners’ intention to continue using Web-based learning. The model theorizes that three dimensions of quality (i.e., information, system, and service) and three dimensions of fairness (i.e., distributive, procedural, and interactional) will affect learners’ satisfaction. We also argue that satisfaction and three dimensions of fairness will influence learners’ intention to continue using Web-based learning. The hypothesized model is validated empirically using data collected from 196 learners of a Web-based learning program designed for continuing education. The results show that information quality, system quality, distributive fairness, and interactional fairness exhibit significant positive effects on satisfaction. Distributive fairness and satisfaction play significant roles in shaping learners’ intention to continue using Web-based learning.
尹玫君,遠距教學系統於國民小學之應用研究-教學策略學習行為之研究,國科會專題研究計畫,民國84 年。
李敏正,延伸計劃行為理論以預測WWW持續使用之研究,國立高雄第一科技大學資訊管理所碩士論文,民國92 年。
林幸華,導入線上學習的第e 步,台北:漢智電子商務出版社公司,民國91 年。
洪明洲,網路教學課程設計對學習成效的影響研究,遠距教學系統化教材設計國際研討會論文集,民國88 年。
張淑慧,企業導入網路化訓練(WEB)促進組織知識整合之研究,國立東華大學國際企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國89 年。
黃經智,企業網路化訓練架構之探討,國立台灣科技大學管理研究所企業管理學程碩士論文,民國88 年。
黃淑敏,電腦網路學習對學生學習成效之後設分析,國立新竹師範學院國民教育研究所碩士論文,民國90 年。
楊家興,超媒體:一個新的學習工具,教學科技與媒體,頁28~39,民國82 年。
鄒景平,發揮企業網路的學習優勢,管理雜誌,頁30~33,民國87 年。

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