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研究生(外文):Tzu-Ling Yang
論文名稱(外文):Applying Goal-Attribute Compatibility Theoryto Investigate Self-Gifting
指導教授(外文):Meng-Kuan Lai
外文關鍵詞:gender differencegoal-attribute compatibility theoryself-regulatory focusself-giftingpersuasion
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There are two studies in this research. In Study 1, the purpose was to investigate Self-gifting through the lens of effect of goal-attribute compatibility theory. In Study 2, whether male and female react differently to Self-gifting ads with different appeals are explored. Two four-scenario experiments were designed to explore the relationships among research variables. The results of the study are as follows.
Self-gifting ad highlighting with hedonic attributes has significant effects on the recall of communicating message. The attitudes toward Self-gifting are significantly different in ad appeals. Moreover, in the reward context, the hedonic appeals result in better persuasive effect on female than male.

Study 1 Self-Regulatory Focus 6
Goal-Attribute Compatibility Theory 7
Self-Gifting 8
Study2 Gender Difference 9
Conceptual Model 11
Part I. Definition and Measurement of Variables 12
Part II. Pretests and Modifications of Study 1 14
Part III. Pretests and Modifications of Study 2 22
Part IV. Manipulation Checks and Formal Data Collection 29
Data Handling 31
Study 1 Reliability and Validity 34
Hypotheses Testing 37
Study 2 Reliability and Validity 45
Hypotheses Testing 47
Research Conclusions 53
Research Contributions 56
Limitations and Suggestions for Future Research 57
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