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研究生(外文):Yu-Chen Koye
論文名稱(外文):Identification of Cataclinal Slopes、Anaclinal Slopes and Orthoclinal Slopes With High Resolution LiDAR DTM -Chenyoulen Stream for Example
指導教授(外文):Ching-Liang Tseng
外文關鍵詞:LiDARDTMcataclinal slopeanaclinal slopeorthoclinal slopeChenyoulen Stream
  • 被引用被引用:14
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  台灣在經濟快速發展,平原土地已不敷使用的情況下,轉而大量開發山坡地。但是台灣位於板塊碰撞帶上,地質作用劇烈,也常為颱風所侵襲,往往造成山坡地嚴重的地質災害。雖然天有不測風雲,但如果能確切掌握順、逆向坡與斜交坡的位置在進行建築物選址或其他開發利用,應能減少一分損失。本研究主要針對DTM的精度與來源,探討其判釋順、逆向坡的差異。本次研究使用航照DTM與LiDAR DTM進行順、逆向坡與斜交坡的判釋,空載雷射掃瞄(LiDAR)主要優於航照的地方是LiDAR不但具有快速產製DTM之優點,並可濾除植生,精度也較高,使地表之細微地貌也能清楚展示。

  本文以陳有蘭溪為研究場址,利用GIS軟體對LiDAR1m與5m DTM及航照5m DTM、40m DTM進行地表坡向、坡度及地層傾角、傾向之運算,並找出順、逆向坡與斜交坡之位置。最後將研究區域內航照判釋之崩塌結果與萃取出之順、逆向坡和斜交坡區域加以比對。結果顯示,利用LiDAR DTM所得之順向坡比對結果較航照40m DTM和航照5m DTM佳;而LiDAR 1m與LiDAR 5m之網格大小對於模式之結果則無太大之差異。
 Taiwan develops fast in economy, the plain has not applied under the situation used yet, has then developed the mountainside in a large amount. However, Taiwan is located on the plate boundary with violent geological movement, also there is the typhoon disaster in Taiwan, usually causes seriously geological damage in the mountainside. Although the natural disaster cannot be predicted precisely, the damage could be reduced if the position of cataclinal slopes、anaclinal slopes and orthoclinal slopes can be known exactly when choosing the position of building or other development. This research is mainly aim at the accuracy and data source of DTM to discuss its differences between cataclinal slopes、anaclinal slopes and orthoclinal slopes identified. The development of LiDAR becomes mature daily, it is not only possessed the advantage of fast producing DTM also it can filter the plant in the ground to make the characteristic of objective clearer.

 This research regards Chenyoulen Stream as the studies field location. In order to find the position of cataclinal slopes、anaclinal slopes and orthoclinal slopes, I utilize GIS software to proceed the calculation of the topographic and bedding-plane intersection angle with 1m、5mDTM from LiDAR and 5m、40mDTM from aerial photogrammetry. Computation of the topographic and bedding-plane intersection angle requires the derivation of four spatially distributed variables: topographic slope, slope aspect, bedding dip and dip direction. At last, I compare the collapse determined by aerial photogrammetry with the judgments of cataclinal slopes、anaclinal slopes and orhtoclinal slopes area. The result indicate that the identifation of cataclinal slopes by LiDAR 5mDTM and 1mDTM is better than by the 5m DTM and 40mDTM from aerial photogrammetry and there is no significant difference between LiDAR 1mDTM and LiDAR 5mDTM .
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 1
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 LiDAR掃瞄原理 2
1.3 研究動機與目的 4
第二章 前人研究 8
2.1 順、逆向坡與斜交坡測繪 8
2.2 邊坡破壞 11
2.3 LiDAR在地形上之相關應用 13
2.3.1 活動斷層的監測 13
2.3.2 崩塌地的判釋 13
2.3.3 蝕溝判釋 14
2.3.4 水文分析 15
2.3.5 海岸帶環境監測 16
第三章 資料來源、處理與分析 18
3.1 研究方法 18
3.2 層面位態資料處理 20
3.3 數值地形模型資料結構 22
3.4 DTM之資料來源與產製 24
3.4.1 航照DTM 24
3.4.2 LiDAR DTM 25
3.4.3 資料精度統計 27
3.5 DTM之坡度與坡向計算 31
第四章 研究區域-陳有蘭溪之順、逆向坡判釋 34
4.1 研究區域介紹 34
4.2 地層位態分析 36
4.3 地表坡形分析 37
4.4 研究區域之順、逆向坡與斜交坡測繪 43
4.4.1 根據水土保持規範第52條 43
4.4.2 根據Goodman(1989)定義 58
4.5 討論 70
第五章 結論與建議 72
5.1 結論 72
5.2 建議 74
參考文獻 75
英文部分 75
中文部分 77
自述 79
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