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研究生(外文):Chun-Ying Wei
論文名稱(外文):Effect of La2O3 and Cooling Rate on the PTCR and Conduction Bahavior of BaTiO3
指導教授(外文):Tsang-Tse Fang
外文關鍵詞:La2O3PTCRCooling Rate
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  正溫係數電阻器(Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity, PTCR)材料已經成為很重要的零件,而由鈦酸鋇化合物是其中最重要的材料。鈦酸鋇是鈣鈦礦結構,在常溫下為正方晶系(tetragonal)鐵電材料。當添加微量的施體時,鈦酸鋇會半導化,且有正溫係數電阻效應,半導化鈦酸鋇陶瓷會受到施體添加量以及製程的影響。

  The Positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) materials have become very important components, and among these materials barium titanate (BaTiO3) compounds are the most important group. BaTiO3 is a perovskite structure with ferroelectric properties at room temperature. Small amounts of donor doping in BaTiO3 cause semiconductivity and PTCR effect in this material. The PTCR effect of semiconducting BaTiO3 ceramics can be remarkably influenced by both donor dopants and ceramic processing.

  The effects of La dopant (0.2∼0.4at%)and different cooling rates on the room resistance and the PTCR effect were investigated in this paper. DC resistivity measurements were carried out as a function of temperature from the room temperature up to 280℃ and data of ac impedance was measured at different temperatures to know the electricity of the individual part of the polycrystalline BaTiO3. Besides, Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was employed to study the microstructures. In this paper, we found that the resistance reached minimum when dopant concentration reached 0.3at%, and the specimen brought about the better PTCR effect, resulting in an increase in the steepness of the resistivity-temperature plots in the region of the transition from low to high resistance. We can separate the grain and the grain boundary resistance by impedance analyses and we found that the origin of the PTCR effect was the grain boundary resistance. It was found that the cooling rates didn’t have significant influence on the microstructure such as grain sizes.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI

第一章 前言 1

第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧 3
2-1 鈦酸鋇的基本性質 3
2-1-1 鈦酸鋇的晶體結構 3
2-1-2 鈦酸鋇相圖以及顯微結構 9
2-2 半導體陶瓷 12
2-2-1 陶瓷的應用 12
2-2-2 能帶基礎理論 14
2-2-3 半導體陶瓷簡介 21
2-2-4 施體/受體元素對鈦酸鋇性質的影響 24
2-3 添加物對鈦酸鋇的影響 27
2-3-1 添加物使居禮溫度的偏移 27
2-3-2添加物對介電性質的影響 27
2-2-3 添加物對燒結行為的影響 29
2-2-4異常的導電率及異常晶粒成長 30
2-3-5 添加量與電荷載子的關係 33
2-4正溫電阻係數電阻器 35
2-4-1 PTCR簡介 35
2-4-2 PTCR特性 38
2-4-3 PTCR的應用範圍 40
2-2-4 說明PTCR的模型 41
2-4-5 電子捕捉(Electron traps)的種類 49
2-5 Cole-Cole Plots 55
2-5-1 介電特性與頻率的相依性 55
2-5-2 阻抗圖 59
2-5-3 PTCR鈦酸鋇的阻抗分析 70

第三章 實驗步驟及方法 74
3-1 藥品 74
3-2 實驗流程 74
3-2-1 粉末的配製 74
3-2-2 燒結試片 75
3-3 性質測試 76
3-3-1 X光繞射分析 76
3-3-2 密度量測 76
3-3-3 電阻率對溫度變化量測 77
3-3-4 阻抗之量測 77
3-3-5 SEM顯微結構分析 78

第四章 結果與討論 80
4-1 粉末之合成與燒結 80
4-2 電阻量測與分析 82
4-2-1 添加量及燒結過程對室溫導電率的影響 82
4-2-2 添加量及燒結過程對PTCR的影響 85
4-3 交流阻抗分析 90
4-4 氧化鑭添加對顯微結構的影響 115

第五章 結論 119

第六章 參考文獻 120

表2-1 陶瓷的主要應用--------------------------------------------------------13
表4-1 不同燒結過程,鑭添加的電性比較---------------------------------89
表4-2 不同燒結過程,鑭添加的電性比較---------------------------------89
表4-4 晶界活化能------------------------------------------------------------114
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