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研究生(外文):Chih-Jung Wang
論文名稱(外文):Effects of electrical current on microstructure and mechanical property of Sn-9Zn-xAg lead free solder alloys
指導教授(外文):Truan-Sheng Lui
外文關鍵詞:electrical currentsoldermicrostructure
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  本研究以Sn-9Zn-xAg(x=0, 0.4, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6wt%)合金系統為實驗材料,首先探討Ag含量對直流及交流熔斷電流之影響,接著選用Sn-9Zn-1.2Ag試料探討通電過程中(從開始通電至發生熔斷為止)微觀組織的變化及其對機械性質的影響。



 This study firstly investigates the effect of Ag addition of Sn-9Zn-xAg(x=0, 0.4, 1.2, 1.4, 1.9, 2.6wt%) lead free solder alloy system on the DC and AC fusing current. The result shows that Ag addition has no obvious effect on both DC and AC fusing current. However, DC and AC fusing current are dramatically different from each other. Observation of the microstructure after AC and DC fusing test also shows different characteristics. These phenomenon are possibly resulted from the difference of the characteristics of AC and DC.

 The effects of electrical current on microstructure evolution are then examined using Sn-9Zn-1.2Ag specimen. By observing the OM images of specimens which are stressed by electrical current for different time intervals, it is found that Zn-rich phase will gradually diffuse into the Sn-rich matrix as the current stressing time increases. EDS analysis results of the Zn-rich phase before and after electrical current stressing shows that the diffusion starts in the high concentration part of Zn-rich phase. XRD analysis result also shows that some Ag-Zn IMCs are growing and some are decreasing. This is possibly caused by the diffusion of Zn near the Ag-Zn IMCs.

 Tensile property and resonant vibration test are then executed to value the effect of microstructure evolution on these mechanical property. The result of tensile test shows that tensile strength declines at first, and then back to the original extent. However, the elongation shows no difference. Result of resonant vibration shows that the specimen after current stressing exhibits smaller initial deflection and longer vibration life. These effect are possibly caused by the striated deformation of more Sn-rich phase.
第一章 前言................................................... 1
第二章 文獻回顧............................................... 3
2-1 銲錫的應用與無鉛化........................................ 3
2-2相關之無鉛銲錫合金系列..................................... 4
2-2-1 Sn-Zn系統............................................... 4
2-2-2 Sn-Zn-Ag系統............................................ 4
2-3銲錫合金在電流作用下之熔斷現象與微觀組織變化............... 5
2-4 電流對機械性質的影響...................................... 6
2-5 直流電與交流電之特性...................................... 6
第三章 實驗方法...............................................12
3-2-1 直流熔斷電流試驗........................................13
3-2-2 交流熔斷電流試驗........................................13
3-3 通電過程微觀組織變化觀察..................................13
3-4 通電後拉伸試驗............................................14
3-5 通電後振動試驗……….…………………………….…………..…… 14
3-6 微觀組織分析..............................................14
3-6-1 金相組織分析............................................14
3-6-2 X-ray繞射分析...........................................15
3-6-3 元素分布分析............................................15
第四章 實驗結果...............................................22
4-2 1.2Ag通電過程微觀組織變化.................................23
4-3 1.2Ag通電過程拉伸性質變化.................................23
4-4 1.2Ag通電前後之振動特性...................................24
第五章 討論...................................................37
5-2 1.2Ag通電過程之微觀組織演變...............................37
5-2-1 Zn的演變................................................37
5-2-2 Ag-Zn介金屬化合物的演變.................................38
5-3 熱效應與電效應的比較......................................39
5-3-1 熱效應..................................................39
5-3-2 電效應..................................................39
5-4 通電前後機械性質比較......................................40
5-4-1 通電過程拉伸性質........................................40
5-4-2 通電前後振動特性........................................40
第六章 結論...................................................48
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