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研究生(外文):Han-Tsung Pan
論文名稱(外文):Study on the semisolid process of spray-formed AZ91D Mg alloys
指導教授(外文):Chi Y.A. Tsao
外文關鍵詞:coarseningspray-formedequiaxed microstructureSemisolid state
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本研究以半固態製程探討鑄造、噴覆成型及擠型製程之AZ91D鎂合金的變形行為,在半固態粗化行為的研究方面,則以修正後的LSW理論方程式 探討料晶粒尺寸之變化,最後再以萬能試驗機進行半固態實驗,探討不同溫度、不同衝桿速率對荷重與材料顯微組織之影響。
The study on the behavior of metals and alloys in the semi-solid state was discovered by Flemings and Spencer in MIT in 1971. In the same year, two kinds of semi-solid forming process were presented, including of rheocasting and thixocasting. The rheo-route involves the preparation of a SSM slurry from liquid alloys and transferring the prepared slurry directly to a die or mould for component shaping. The thixo-route involves the preparation of roll materials or ingot with equiaxed microstructure and reheating the solid feedstock material to semisolid temperature, then shaping the semisolid slurry to component.
In this research, the semisolid forming process was employed to study the deformation behavior of as-cast、spray-formed and extruded AZ91D Mg alloys. In the study of coarsening behavior of material, the modified LSW equation was used to discuss the variation of grain size of material. Finally, to make use of Shimadzu Universal Test Machine, the semisolid forming test was used to study the effects of temperatures and ram speeds on the deformation loads and microstructures.
第一章 序論......................................1
1-1 前言.........................................1
1-2 研究動機.....................................2
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧........................3
2-1 鎂合金簡介...................................3
2-1.1 鎂合金命名方式.............................3
2-1.2 鎂合金中添加元素之影響.....................3
2-2 噴覆成型製程簡介.............................5
2-2.1 噴覆成型製程原理...........................5
2-2.2 噴覆成型製程之優點.........................6
2-3 凝固實驗之理論基礎...........................8
2-4 關於半固態成型製程...........................9
2-4.1 半固態成型製程技術之由來...................9
2-4.2 樹枝狀晶變形為球狀晶組織之機制............10
2-4.3 半固態成型製程技術適用範圍、優點與種類....11
2-5 關於半固態晶粒粗化機構......................14
2-5.1 鎂合金半固態粗化實驗之方法................14
2.5-2 晶粒在半固態下的成長機制及理論............14
第三章 實驗方法與步驟...........................19
3-1 實驗目的....................................19
3-2 實驗材料....................................19
3-3 實驗流程....................................20
3-4 噴覆成型AZ91D鎂合金之製備...................21
3-5 以AZ91D鎂合金進行之凝固實驗.................22
3-6 鎂合金半固態粗化實驗........................24
3-7 鎂合金半固態成型實驗........................27
3-8 實驗分析....................................29
3-8.1 微觀組織分析..............................29
3-8.2 結晶結構分析..............................30
3-8.3 合金成份分析..............................30
第四章 結果與討論...............................31
4-1 鎂合金噴覆成型製程架構改善..................31
4-2 製程參數對噴覆成型圓錠的影響................32
4-3 鑄造、擠型與噴覆成型AZ91D鎂合金
4-4 以凝固實驗計算固相率與溫度關係之結果........38
4-5 鎂合金半固態粗化實驗之結果..................42
4-5.1 半固態粗化實驗方法之演進..................42
4-5.2 鑄造材顯微組織之變化......................46
4-5.3 球狀晶組織的晶粒尺寸之分析................49
4-5.4 球狀晶組織的熔解機構......................53
4-5.5 粗化機構中粗化指數值之決定................55
4-5.6 粗化機構中粗化速率常數K值之決定...........59
4-5.7 粗化速率常數實驗值和LSW理論值之關係.......60
4-6 半固態成型實驗..............................62
4-6.1 荷重-位移曲線之比較.......................64
4-6.2 半固態成型後試片外觀之比較................69
4-6.3 顯微組織變化..............................71
第五章 結論.....................................77
第六章 參考文獻.................................80
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