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研究生(外文):Kuan-Fan Chen
論文名稱(外文):Finite Element Analysis Of High Seismic Performance Walls
指導教授(外文):Yaw-Jeng ChiouMaw-Shyong Sheu
外文關鍵詞:OpenSeesFinite Element Analysispinching -effect
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  近年來台灣在歷經921大地震的重傷後,結構物的耐震能力比起過去格外的受到重視,而鋼筋混凝土所構成的剪力牆也正廣泛的被應用在建築結構上以作為耐震構材之一;剪力牆或者鑲嵌於柱樑構架內的RC牆在結構耐震安全上所呈現的主要功能為提升結構的勁度與消能,但是在傳統剪力牆的結構行為趨向脆性結構行為,且其載重-變形遲滯圈的行為也明顯顯示了擠壓現象(pinching -effect)而降低消能。因此,如何提升剪力牆之結構韌性與消能行為實為國內、外研究學者所亟欲解決之問題。
本文實驗規劃旨在探求出一高韌性的剪力牆行為機制,以便地震力屆臨時達到良好的消能作用及耐震行為,因此實驗規劃中除了比較純構架系統與含邊柱剪力牆系統的差異外,並針對剪力牆的主應力分佈作一扇型配筋形式的改良以求得到良好的消能行為。故試體的原型系統共分:(a)構架系統(柱樑系統)(b)傳統配筋含邊柱剪力牆系統(c)45度斜向配筋含邊柱剪力牆系統(d)扇形配筋含邊柱剪力牆系統,利用側向反覆載重加載至破壞之實驗結果配合OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation)有限元素分析,探討鋼筋混凝土含牆構架之開裂載重、降伏載重、極限載重與結構韌性等牆體力學性質並比較其差異。
 The Chi-Chi earthquake (September 21, 1999) in Taiwan induced severe damage of school buildings. The investigations on the failure of buildings show that these damaged buildings are mainly caused by shear failure of short column, insufficient walls, and too small column cross-section. RC Shear walls have been recognized as efficient earthquake resistance elements. Framed shear walls are extensively used as the components of earthquake resistance buildings. However, the conventional shear walls, which the reinforcements are in vertical and horizontal directions, frequently possess pinching-effect in the load-displacement curves. The improvement of conventional shear wall to reduce the pinching-effect sounds an essential research.
The OpenSees (Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation) finite element model is adopted to analyze the experimental results. These specimens include framed shear walls with high-, middle-, low-rise framed shear walls, pure frames, pure walls, and high seismic performance framed walls. The reinforcements of high seismic performance walls were designed with 45° reinforcements, 45° and boundary vertical reinforcements, and hybrid conventional and 45° reinforcements.
 The experimental results showed that the failure of high-rise shear walls is flexural; their ductility factors are greater than those of low-rise shear walls; their displacements are also greater. The middle-rise shear walls failed by a combination of both flexure and shear. The experimental results also show that the crack load, yield load, and limit load are superior for specimens with higher concrete strength and frame with wall. The numerical solutions agree well with the experimental results.
The results show that the pinching-effect, which frequently existed in the conventional shear walls, is remarkably improved in the new design high seismic performance walls. The larger steel ratio in the shear walls with 45° reinforcements induces less pinching-effect. The structural behavior is highly dependent on the layout of reinforcements of walls. The new design shear wall possesses high potential to improve the seismic performance of buildings, and the proposed numerical model will be a fundamental of model-based simulation of concrete structures.
第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機…………………………………………………………7
1-2 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………8
1-3 研究目的…………………………………………………………12
1-4 研究方法…………………………………………………………15
1-5 研究流程…………………………………………………………16
第二章 韌性剪力牆實驗試體介紹
2-1 前言………………………………………………………………17
2-2 改良型配筋方式…………………………………………………19
2-3 試體介紹…………………………………………………………20
2-3-1 純構架試體規劃與相關尺寸…………………………………20
2-3-2 傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體規劃與相關尺寸……………………22
2-3-3 改良型45 度配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體規劃與相關尺寸…… 24
2-3-4 改良型扇型配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體規劃與相關尺寸………29
2-3-5 小結……………………………………………………………31
2-4 試驗加載方式……………………………………………………33
2-5 軸壓力設備之架設………………………………………………35
2-6 試體試驗過程(以LWFD1-45 度配筋為例)…………………… 36
3-1 前言………………………………………………………………44
3-2 鋼筋混凝土剪力牆之組成律……………………………………44
3-2-1 鋼筋混凝土構架之組成律……………………………………44
3-2-2 鋼筋混凝土剪力牆之組成律…………………………………47
3-3 鋼筋混凝土牆元素勁度矩陣……………………………………51
3-4 非線性有限元素模擬……………………………………………54
4-1 試體LF1、MF1-純構架試體分析……………………………… 58
4-2 試體LWA0、MWA0-傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體分析……………… 62
LWA0…………………………………………………………… 62
MWA0…………………………………………………………… 62
4-3 試體LWFD1、LWFD2、MWFD1、MWFD2、MWA2改良型45 度配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析…………………………………………………. 66
LWFD2………………………………………………………… 66
MWFD2……………………………………………………… 67
MWA2……………………………………………………… 68
4-4 試體LWA1 、MWA1 -扇型配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析
LWA1………………………………………………………… 77
MWA1……………………………………………………… 77
4-5 小結…………………………………………………………… 81
5-1 結論…………………………………………………………… 83
5-2 未來之建議………………………………………………………87
參考文獻………………………………………………………… 87
附錄一…………………………………………………………… 92

圖1.1 PINCHING-EFFECT ................ ..................12
圖1.2 含邊柱剪力牆系統與純構架及純剪力牆的消能差異.... 14
圖2.1 各系統原型示意圖................................ 18
圖2.2 剪力牆主應力曲線................................ 19
圖2.3 純構架試體詳細配筋圖............................ 21
圖2.4 傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體詳細配筋圖.................. 23
圖2.5 改良型45 度配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體詳細配筋圖....... 28
圖2.6 改良型扇型配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體詳細配筋圖........ 30
圖2.7 加載裝置........................................ 33
圖2.8 側向加載歷時曲線................................ 34
圖2.9 軸力系統施加圖.................................. 35
圖2.10 試體裂縫之發展順序............................... 42
圖3.1 修正後的混凝土KENT & PARK 曲線.................... 44
圖3.2 反覆載重下鋼筋材料的雙線性應力-應變關係........ 45
圖3.3 混凝土應力-應變關係之加載與卸載路徑............. 46
圖3.4 MANSOUR 與HSU 所提出的混凝土反覆應力-應變關係.....47
圖3.5 MANSOUR 與HSU 所提出的鋼筋反覆應力-應變關係..... 48
圖3.6 鋼筋混凝土元素的座標系統示意圖: ................. 51
圖3.7 柱樑元素與牆元素接合示意圖...................... 54
圖3.8 構架系統有限元素分割示意圖...................... 55
圖3.9 剪力牆系統有限元素分割示意圖.................... 56
圖3.10 有限元素切割演進................................. 56
圖4.1 純構架試體有限元素網格示意圖…………………………….58
圖4.2 純構架試體分析模擬與實驗結果.. …………………………60
圖4.3 純構架試體分析模擬與實驗結果之比較圖………………… 61
圖4.4 傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體有限元素網格示意圖……………… 62
圖4.5 傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果……………… 64
圖4.6 傳統含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果與比較……… 65
圖4.7 45 度斜向配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體有限元素網格示意圖……68
圖4.8 改良型45度斜向配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果…………………………………………………………………… 73
圖4.9 45 度斜向配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果之比較..............................……………………………… 76
圖4.10 扇形配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體有限元素網格示意圖…………77
圖4.11 改良型扇形配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果…79
圖4.12 扇形配筋含邊柱剪力牆試體分析模擬與實驗結果之比較…80

表1.1 純構架與剪力牆比較............................... 13
表1.2 研究分析流程圖................................... 16
表2.1 純構架系統試體參數表............................. 20
表2.2 傳統配筋系統試體參數表........................... 22
表2.3 斜向45 度配筋系統試體參數表...................... 25
表2.4 扇型配筋系統試體參數表........................... 29
表2.5 各系統試體參數說明............................... 32
表2.6 試驗過程反覆載重週次表........................... 39
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