Tai-nan City Government established Urban Development Bureau (U.D.B) and carried out Urban Design Review (U.D.R) in 2000.Many public space reform measures had been carried out actively till 2005 and had got some achievements. It is worth to study whether the intervening of U.D.S is helpful for the plans and having actual quality promotion of the urban environment.
This essay includes three parts: 1. The discussions of public space reform and city design theories—a. through the theories of Lynch and so on to recognize public space reform and content of urban design; b. through the theories of Punter and the four public space quality criterion of Cook to analyze research subjects. 2. Case studies of Tai-nan City public reform—use the mentioned theories to make studies of subjects as bellows: a. landscape construction of Ta-Shuei Road (middle and west section), b. landscape improving construction of Nan-meng Road, and c.Kuan-shi exploitation construction. 3. The elements which were merged from the comparison of previous cases—according to the analyses of these cases, this essay sum up to important issues of Tai-nan City’s public space reform and probe into these issues.
This research came up with these conclusions as below: A. Issues of public space reform design content 1. These designs lack of vision. The master plans and previous studies limited the development of the later plans and made them less meaningful. 2. The suggestions made by the review committee tended to confined in minute things and few concerns on the issue of “meaning”.
B. Issues of the enacting of public space reform design 1. The lack of continuing monitoring. 2. Public opinions are very important factor in strategical decisions of design, and the conflict between public and private realm benefite is the key point in the negotiations with the public. 3. The related Departments need to form a common view of collaboration in order to set up rules of maintenance.