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研究生(外文):Kuang-Han Shen
論文名稱(外文):Applying High G MEMS Accelerometer for Multi-layer Target Impact Signal Detection
指導教授(外文):Syh-Tsang Jenq
外文關鍵詞:DynaA/DsensorPZTsol-gelpoly-siliconimpacthigh G
  • 被引用被引用:3
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  Applying the MEMS process, the sensing modulus can be fabricated to measure the acceleration due to impact. We can fabricate poly-silicon strain gauge with piezo-resistive property, and also fabricate PZT with piezo-electric property by sol-gel method. We fabricated both sensors on the silicon wafer, and a cantilever silicon beam with these micro-strain sensors is used to measure the acceleration. The new design is not only smaller than before, but also has high sensing frequency and acceleration. It gives us a better view and more details of the transient behavior of impact. We can use this modulus to measure the impact acceleration signal when the punch impacts a single-layer or multi-layers target boards. In order to establish a system that is able to identify the layer number of target board, we also developed the impacting signal identification circuit and the counting circuit to count the layer number of board. These circuits can identity the signal successfully in double-layer target boards impact test. Finally, we can use commercial numerical analysis software “LS-Dyna” to simulate the impact test as well to verify the accuracy in the experiment, and have the good result.
表目錄 I
圖目錄 II

第一章 前言
 1-1 研究動機 1
 1-2 文獻回顧 2
 1-3 研究方法 3

第二章 微型感測器模組
 2-1 介紹 5
 2-2 尺寸設計 5
 2-3 含壓阻式感測器之懸臂樑的製作流程 8
 2-4 含壓電式感測器之懸臂樑的製作流程 10
  2-4-1 調配原料:鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)溶液 11
  2-4-2 壓電式感測器製作流程 12
 2-5 感測器模組之設計與組立 15
 2-6 懸臂樑頻率分析 17
 2-7 加速度與懸臂樑根部應變之轉換 19
 2-8 成本分析 22

第三章 實驗硬體設備建構
 3-1 落錘試驗機改良概要 23
 3-2 衝擊試驗平台之改良 24
 3-3 落錘衝頭及緩衝器之改良 25
 3-4 感測器模組基座之製作 27
 3-5 衝擊多層板訊號識別電路 27
  3-5-1 類比衝擊訊號轉換為數位訊號的A/D電路 27
  3-5-2 計算衝擊層板數目之計數電路 30

第四章 衝擊試驗之結果與討論
 4-1 外界雜訊之分析與排除 35
  4-1-1 電磁閥之干擾 35
  4-1-2 外介其他雜訊干擾 35
  4-1-3 GPIB傳輸線之干擾 36
  4-1-4 儀器接地方式對訊號所造成之影響 36
 4-2 感測器靜態校正 36
 4-3 壓阻式應變計靈敏度之分析 38
 4-4 感測器模組及市售應變計與市售加速規之衝擊訊號比對 39
 4-5 應用微型感測器於單層板訊號量測 42
 4-6 應用微型感測器及識別電路於雙層板訊號辨識 45

第五章 數值模擬分析
 5-1 簡介 48
 5-2 數值模型之建構 48
  5-2-1 衝頭尖端之建構 48
  5-2-2 衝頭柱體部份 49
  5-2-3 衝頭根部部分 49
  5-2-4 感測器模組與轉接座部份 50
  5-2-5 衝擊靶板之建置 50
  5-2-6 材料參數之選擇 51
 5-3 衝擊系統之數值模擬 52

第六章 結論與建議
 6-1 結論 54
 6-2 建議事項 55

附表 58
附圖 62
參考文獻 96
自述 98
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