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研究生(外文):Yi-Hsin Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Development of MEMS Alloy Strain Gauge for Impact Signal Measurement
指導教授(外文):S.T. Jenq
外文關鍵詞:LS-DYNAwave propagationMEMSsputtermicroalloysensorstrain gaugeflexiblepolyimideHopkinson Barstress wave
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  在製程的選擇上,底材選用4吋的矽晶圓,並沉積氮化矽薄膜作為絕緣層,在其上利用厚膜光阻AZ P4620即可輕易的定義出應變計的外型,再利用磁控濺鍍法(magnetron sputtering)將感測層材料(銅鎳合金)濺鍍在其上,接著以丙銅沖洗作Lift-Off,再將其切割成適當大小,即完成了微型合金應變計的製作。
  利用四點彎矩(four point bending)實驗,再搭配使用商用應變計來校正微型合金應變計,以求出其應變計因數(gauge factor)。再將微型合金應變計應用在簡單的懸臂樑靜態載重實驗中以作為驗證,其所量測的應變值與商用應變計做比較,誤差均在9%以內。
  最後利用Hopkinson Bar Tester作一維波傳的實驗,將微型合金應變計與商用應變計比較所記錄的應力波波速與大小,並與一維波傳理論及利用商用有限元素軟體LS-DYNA作出的數值模擬分析作比較。實驗結果的應力波波速與應力大小與一維波傳理論比較,其誤差分別均在4%及9%以內。
 In this research, a piezoresistive micro alloy strain gauge that has the size much smaller than commercial strain gauges was designed and manufactured by utilizing Micro Electro Mechanical System (MEMS) followed by developing the micro alloy strain gauge on a flexible thin film as a matrix in order to produce a flexible piezoresistive micro alloy strain gauge.
 During the process of manufacturing, the 4-inch silicon wafer was chosen to be the substrate and then deposited a thin film of silicon-nitride as insulated layer. By applying the photoresistance, AZ P4620, on the photolithography technique, the geometry of the micro strain gauge can easily be defined. A thin layer of sensor material, Cu/Ni alloy, was sputtered on top of the silicon wafer by magnetron sputtering followed by lift-off using acetone. Lastly, cut the silicon wafer into proper size to finalize the production of the micro alloy strain gauge.
 For manufacturing flexible micro alloy strain gauge, Polyimide9005 was chosen as the flexible matrix. However, while trying to manufacture the micro alloy strain gauge on top of the flexible matrix, the problem that encountered the resistance of Cu/Ni alloy was too high was occurred. In this research, there are several methods had been tried to solve this problem and finally found out that the Cu/Ni alloy layer that deposited on top of the Polyimide layer has the situation of oxidization with Polyimide leading to high resistance due to dreadful electronic transmitting. Consequently, the research has successfully reduced the resistance of the flexible strain gauge, the quality of the strain gauge, however, is too low to apply on experiments.
 Applying the micro alloy strain gauge developed in this investigation on vibrating experiment of cantilever beam and comparing with commercial strain gauge, the result shows the same signal trend as the commercial stain gauge, therefore, it is for sure that the Cu/Ni alloy of micro alloy strain gauge has piezoresistive effect and can be utilized on measuring the strain of a structure.
 Four-point-bending experiment was used to calibrate the micro alloy strain gauge with commercial strain gauge to determine the gauge factor of micro alloy strain gauge and examined by applying the micro alloy strain gauge on static loading experiment of cantilever beam. Comparing the result with commercial strain gauge, the percentage error is within 9%.
 Finally, Hopkinson Bar Tester was used to do the one-dimensional wave propagation experiment to test the ability of catching the dynamic signal of micro alloy strain gauge. Both micro alloy strain gauges and commercial strain gauge were attached on the Hopkinson Bar Tester and the velocity and intensity of stress wave were recorded then compared with one-dimensional wave propagation theory and the numerical simulation by commercial software LS-DYNA. The percentage error of velocity and stress are within 4% and 9% respectively.
誌    謝
第一章 緒論
1-1  研究動機................................1
1-2  文獻回顧................................2
1-3  研究方法................................3

第二章 微型合金應變計設計與製作
2-1  前言....................................5
2-2  微型合金應變計設計......................6
2-3  微型合金應變計製作.....................15
2-4  製作結果討論...........................19
2-5  成本分析...............................21

第三章 微型可撓性應變計設計、製作與討論
3-1  前言...................................37
3-2  微型可撓性應變計設計...................38
3-3  微型可撓性應變計製作...................45
3-4  微型可撓性應變計討論...................47
  3-4-1  定義圖形問題.....................48
  3-4-2  電阻值過高問題...................51
  3-4-3  蒸鍍比較.........................56
3-5  感測層合金晶格之探討...................57
3-6  建議...................................59

第四章 微型合金應變計的校正與驗證
4-1  前言...................................77
4-2  四點彎矩實驗理論與步驟.................78
  4-2-1  四點彎矩實驗說明.................78
  4-2-2  四點彎矩實驗步驟.................79
4-3  四點彎矩實驗結果與校正.................81
4-4  懸臂樑載重實驗驗證.....................83

第五章 微型合金應變計的動態實驗與模擬分析
5-1  前言...................................91
5-2  一維波傳理論...........................92
  5-2-1  一維波動方程式...................92
  5-2-2  縱向應力波的強度(應力波大小).....94
  5-2-3  材質及截面積相同的桿件之軸向碰撞.95
  5-2-4  材質及截面積不同的桿件之軸向碰撞.97
5-3  一維波傳實驗與結果討論.................98
  5-3-1  Hopkinson Bar Tester的波散效應.98
  5-3-2  一維波傳實驗....................100
  5-3-3  實驗結果與討論..................101
5-4  LS-DYNA模擬分析結果討論...............103

第六章 結語.................................114
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