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研究生(外文):Hin-Chi Lo
論文名稱(外文):Architecture Design of a Web-GIS Map Database
指導教授(外文):Ying Jean Kuo
外文關鍵詞:map generalizationweb-mapping systemsmulti-representation databases
  • 被引用被引用:11
  • 點閱點閱:610
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:5
  At present, many organizations and institutions have established web-mapping systems to provide geo-information services through the internet. Generally, most of them used multi-representation databases as the technical kennel. In order to provide “smooth” and “seamless” map browsing quality, a large amount of preprocessed data should be saved in the database. This would increase the need of memory space and cause the problem of database maintenance. Furthermore the data to be saved in the database may not satisfy all requirements of the user. In contrast with the above method, web-mapping systems which use on-the-fly map generalization technique to provide multi-services can reduce the need of the memory spaces and improve the system use. However, on-the-fly map generalization still cannot be fully automated. Thus, it cannot satisfy all map service requirements.
  This thesis presents the architecture of an on-demand web-mapping system which combines multi-representation database and on-the-fly map generalization to improve the drawback of existing web-mapping systems. A prototype of the on-demand web-mapping system based on commercial web-mapping software has been developed to exemplify the feasibility of this architecture. The result of our research shows that the prototype system can actually provide on-demand web-mapping and significantly improve the quality of map services.

第一章 緒論..............................................1
 §1-1 研究背景與動機....................................1
 §1-2 研究目的..........................................2
 §1-3 研究流程及方法....................................3
 §1-4 論文架構 .........................................3

第二章 WebGIS地圖資料庫發展..............................6
 §2-1 Web GIS 之發展....................................6
 §2-2 網路地圖概論......................................7
  §2-2-1 網路地圖的架構................................7
  §2-2-2 網路地圖之系統架構............................9
  §2-2-3 網路地圖服務使用之傳輸技術....................10
   §2-2-3-1 動態式....................................11
   §2-2-3-2 主動式....................................12
  §2-2-4 網路地圖軟體的發展概況........................13
  §2-2-5 網路地圖的技術發展............................15
   §2-2-5-1 多解析地圖資料庫..........................15
   §2-2-5-2 即時縮編技術..............................18
  §2-2-6 網路地圖的發展前景............................18

第三章 MRDB與裝圖縮編技術的結合..........................21
 §3-1 系統分析..........................................22
 §3-2 使用族群分類......................................24
 §3-3 詳細程度及應用範圍................................26
 §3-4 隨選地圖系統之線上即時縮編程序....................29
  §3-4-1 線狀地物簡化演算法............................30
  §3-4-2 線狀地物平滑化演算法..........................31
  §3-4-3 地物篩選處理..................................32
  §3-4-4 建物簡化演算法................................32
  §3-4-5 相鄰建物合併演算法............................33

第四章 系統建置與成果分析................................35
 §4-1 系統開發考量......................................35
 §4-2 系統架構..........................................39
 §4-3 系統作業流程......................................41
 §4-4 資料庫設計與建置..................................43
  §4-4-1 多解析地圖資料庫..............................43
   §4-4-1-1 建置流程..................................43
   §4-4-1-2 資料格式..................................46
  §4-4-2 附加資訊資料庫................................47
 §4-5 即時縮編模組設計..................................49
  §4-5-1 模組架構......................................49
  §4-5-2 模組流程......................................56
 §4-6 測試系統建置......................................60
  §4-6-1 MRDB建置......................................60
  §4-6-2 網路地圖瀏覽器之使用者界面設計................64

第五章 系統測試與分析....................................66
 §5-1 系統測試環境......................................66
 §5-2 測試資料..........................................67
 §5-3 後端資料之儲存配置方式............................67
 §5-4 網路地圖即時縮編測試..............................71
  §5-4-1 線狀地物即時縮編測試..........................71
  §5-4-2 面狀地物之即時縮編測試........................77
 §5-5 成果分析與討論....................................81
  §5-5-1 Douglas與Lang演算法之比較.....................81
  §5-5-2 面狀地物縮編運算之執行效率....................84
  §5-5-3 地圖服務之資料品質............................85

第六章 結論與建議........................................86


附錄A 縮編辨法............................................A-1
 §A-1 線狀地物的縮編演算法..............................A-1
 §A-2 面狀地物的縮編演算法..............................A-3
附錄B SDF檔案匯出........................................B-1
 §B-1 SDF檔之轉換工具...................................B-1
 §B-2 SDF檔轉換程序.....................................B-2
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