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研究生(外文):Bo-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Applying Neural Network to Approximate Correlations between Gene Expression Levels in Microarray and the EST Library: Colon Tissue as Case Study
指導教授(外文):Jung-Hsien Chiang
外文關鍵詞:MicroarrayNeural NetworkEST
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  The main purpose of both microarray and EST experiments are to measure the mRNA expression level but in different quantity representation. The aim of this study therefore is to approximate the relations between two experimental measurements. The underlying heuristics of our approach based on RBF neural network with functional approximation mechanism consisted of 1) corresponding microarray with EST expression values to generate the training samples, 2) adopting weighted-pattern generator to resolve the skew distribution among the samples, 3) identifying outliers through clustering, and 4) detecting centers of RBFs by analyzing the feature space of the training samples using k-means algorithm in order to facilitate the training process of neural network. Upon completion of neural network learning, system returns the corresponding EST count when microarray expression value is submitted. Our experiments have shown that the overall error rate fell from 10% to 30% when the five-dimensional feature vector was applied. If we are to increase the neural network performance, more training samples will be required. Furthermore, the results of feature selection comparison experiments suggest that using five-dimensional feature vector performed better than that of the three-dimension. On the other hand, in the outlier detection experiments, less outliers were identified if the size of data set grew.
第一章 導論..............................................................1
1.1 前言.................................................................1
1.2 研究動機.............................................................2
1.3 解決方法.............................................................3
1.4 系統概述.............................................................4
1.5 論文架構.............................................................5

第二章 文獻回顧與相關研究................................................6
2.1 微陣列製作流程.......................................................6
2.2 表達序列標籤製作流程.................................................9
2.3 微陣列與表達序列標籤數據關聯性之相關研究............................11
2.4 類神經網路於生物領域方面之相關研究..................................12

第三章 應用類神經網路計算微陣列與表達序列標籤數據間的近似關係...........13
3.1 方法論概述..........................................................13
3.2 系統架構圖..........................................................14
3.3 微陣列與表達序列標籤數據資料的前處理................................16
3.3.1 微陣列資料的處理..................................................16
3.3.2 表達序列標籤資料的處理............................................18
3.3.3 訓練樣本的產生....................................................19
3.4 加權式樣本(Weighted-pattern)產生方法................................21
3.5 類神經網路架構方法..................................................26
3.5.1 特徵的擷取........................................................26
3.5.2 神經元高斯函數之中心點選取與權重值更新方法........................29
3.5.3 架構類神經網路....................................................32
3.6 藉由聚類法偵測外圍極端值............................................33

第四章 實驗設計與結果分析...............................................35
4.1 資料集介紹及測試方法介紹............................................35
4.2 實驗與結果分析......................................................36
4.2.1 類神經網路與非線性?歸比較.........................................36
4.2.2 特徵選取之比較....................................................40
4.2.3 偵測外圍極端值策略的比較..........................................45

第五章 結論與未來研究方向...............................................49
5.1 結論................................................................49
5.2 未來研究方向........................................................49

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