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研究生(外文):Jin-Yi Wu
論文名稱(外文):3D Face Reconstruction Using the Orthogonal Model to Approximate the Perspective Model
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Jier Lien
外文關鍵詞:3D face reconstructionfactorizationorthogonal projection modelperspective projection modelsmooth
  • 被引用被引用:2
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  建立一個真實的三維人臉模型在電腦視覺這個領域裡面一直以來都是一項挑戰。我們發展了一套系統,讓我們可以容易又有效率的重建出三維人臉模型。我們這個系統使用單一個攝影機(普通的攝影機或是網路攝影機都可以)來擷取人臉在攝影機前面做轉動動作的影片之後,選取一些特徵點,利用光學流動(Optical flow)來做追蹤,找到在每一個畫面裡面每一個特徵點的對應點之後,使用正交投影模型(Orthogonal projection model)的因數分解法(factorization)找出三維的人臉模型以及每一個畫面的轉動向量。之後,我們將使用直角投影模型重建出來的結果,改進其結果使其逼近真實世界的投影方法:透視投影法(Perspective projection),讓重建的結果更好。我們的系統同時也解決了某種程度上的特徵點被遮蔽的問題。最後,因為選取的特徵點數目不夠多,導致結果看起來有稜有角的,所以我們發展了一個方法,在空間中找出一些額外的點來讓重建出來的結果看起來比較平滑。
 Generating realistic three-dimensional (3D) human face models has been a persistent challenge in computer vision. We developed a system that can easily and efficiently reconstruct 3D faces. The system takes a video sequence of the face having a pan rotation from one single regular camera. Based on the corresponding points tracked by optical flow, we can reconstruct the 3D face using the factorization approach in an orthogonal projection model. Then we improve the orthogonal model to approximate the perspective model to get a more reliable result. The proposed system also solves the missing point problem. Finally our smoothing method can make the 3D face look smoother and more realistic by interpolating additional vertices.
List of Figures                 vi
List of Tables                  vii
Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION             1
1.1. Motivation and Goal           1
1.2. Previous work              2
Chapter 2. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION           4
2.1. Data Collection and Finding Corresponding Points from Video Sequence                      5
2.2. Factorization Approach Using the Orthogonal Model 6
2.3. Approximating to the Perspective Model  8
2.4. Reconstruction with Missing Points    13
2.5. Smoothing the 3D Face Surface      15
Chapter 3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS          19
Chapter 4. CONCLUSTION              33
REFERENCES                    35
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