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研究生(外文):Ju-Chin Chen
指導教授(外文):Jenn-Jier Lien
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 We present an appearance-based technique for not only detecting multi-view faces but also estimating the corresponding poses. Our architecture concerns the global-to-local facial features and estimates the coarse-to-fine pose angle. The system is composed of four subsystems. Firstly, for the cascaded nonface rejecter subsystem, the goal of the nonface rejecters is to reject most nonface patterns (20x20-pixel window) in order to reduce the computational time of remaining two subsystems. Secondly, based on the projection weights of the global facial feature eigenspace, the coarse pose angle of each survived face or nonface patterns is estimated. Thirdly, for the view-based face detector subsystem, the view-based detectors use the joint probability of local features and corresponding positions to model the face. Each local feature projects into the corresponding eigenspace and the ‘residual independent basis’ space. Then Bayes decision rule is applied to judge whether the input pattern contains a face or not. Finally, for the fine pose estimate subsystem, the fine pose angle of the detected face is estimated by using the combination of vector quantization and maximum likelihood probability. According to the experimental results, the accuracy of the face detection and the result of pose estimation are promising.
3.1 Cascaded Nonface Rejecters 8
3.2 Coarse Pose Estimation 10
3.3 View-Based Detectors 12
3.4 Fine Pose Estimation 18
5.1 Performance of the Cascaded Nonface Rejecters 21
5.2 Performance of the View-based Detectors 23
5.3 Accuracy of Pose Estimation Subsystem 26
5.4 Testing Performance on the Entire System 27
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