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研究生(外文):Yi-Chia Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Computerized 3D Object Reconstruction and Segmentation from Multi-spectral MR Images
指導教授(外文):Ming-Huwi HorngYung-Nien Sun
  • 被引用被引用:2
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Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a popular medical imaging modality widely used in clinical evaluation and treatment. The appearance of soft-tissue such as tendon and muscle in MR images is superior to the one of conventional computerized tomography (CT). As a result, it is most suitable to display all kinds of organs and their relationship in clinical diagnosis. However the multi-spectral MR images are usually acquired as a 2D image sequence along a given direction, it is difficult to reconstruct the volumetric information, e.g. volume or surface variation of organs, from a single image sequence. In this thesis, we proposed to use three 2D MR image sequences acquired from three orientations in clinical practice to construct more precisely the 3D organs, and then to segment the 3D volume of organs in this thesis.

The proposed technologies in this thesis are divided into two main parts. One is to reconstruct the 3D volume from multiple MR image sequences and the other is to segment the organs from the created 3D volume. In the process of 3D volume reconstruction, the MR image sequences are acquired in three different orientations that are coronal, axial and sagittal views. Before 3D volume reconstruction, we must at first align these image sequences. The proposed registration method consists of two stages. At stage one, we align the coronal and sagittal views, then we register the axial view to the aligned result from the first previous step to get the final result. After registration, we can use images of three different views as references to reconstruct the volume information. Unlike the conventional 3D volume reconstruction from single image sequence, our method compute the 3D interpolated data directly referring to three 2D MR image sequences. In the experiments, it shows that the proposed method is more accurate in volume reconstruction than the conventional ones.

As for the 3D organ segmentation, we adopt the Maximum a Posteriori estimation to derive an energy function for segmentation. The results are obtained by maximizing the energy function which is composed of the Gaussian noise model, shape difference model, and Markov Random Fields model. The Gaussian noise model represents the gray-value distribution of the segmented object. The shape difference model restricts the shape of segmented object. And the MRF model controls the smoothness of segmented object. The proposed method first obtains the initial model of the segmented object based on simple thresholding and then optimizes the energy to get the final segmentation result. Furthermore, the resulted segmented objects are displayed by using OpenGL library. In the experiments, the proposed segmentation algorithms are applied to MR shoulder image sequence and MR brain image sequence. We also discuss how the three models affect the segmentation results. The experimental results reveal that our proposed method can effectively interpolate and segment the 3D objects from multi-spectral MR image sequences.
第一章 簡介............................1
1.1 研究動機與背景..................1
1.2 研究主旨與方向..................4
1.3 相關研究........................5
1.4 章節簡介........................7
第二章 MR切面影像對位及三維資料重構....8
2.1 MR切面資料擷取..................8
2.2 影像前處理......................11
2.2.1 雜訊濾除........................11
2.2.1 資料重新取樣....................13
2.3 切面資料之轉換關係..............16
2.4 對位方法........................19
2.4.1 第一階段對位....................19
2.4.2 第二階段對位....................23
2.5 三維資料之重新建立..............25
2.5.1 線性內插........................25
2.5.2 反距權重之內插..................27
第三章 三維影像分類與組織分割..........31
3.1 影像分類........................31
3.1.1 KNN分類法.......................31
3.1.2 K-means分類法...................32
3.1.3 Fuzzy K-means分群法.............33
3.1.4 類神經網路......................35
3.2 影像分割........................38
3.3 骨骼與肌肉組織分割..............39
3.3.1 初始分割........................39
3.3.2 建立形狀遮罩模型................46
3.3.3 分割結果最佳化..................49
第四章 實驗結果與討論..................57
4.1 虛擬重構三維資料之正確性評估....57
4.2 三維體積資料與影像分割之評估....69
4.3 不同重構方法之結果比較..........72
4.4 單一方向與多重方向重構結果比較..73
4.5 醫療影像分割實驗................76
4.5.1 二維影像分割實驗................76
4.5.2 三維多頻譜影像分割實驗..........79
4.6 影像分割實驗分析................93
第五章 結論與未來展望..................102
5.1 結論............................102
5.2 未來展望........................105
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