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研究生(外文):Wei-Wen Tan
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Electrical Properties of Photoelectrochemistry Oxide Film Formation on n-type GaN MOSFETs
指導教授(外文):Ching-Ting Lee
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  氮化鎵(Gallium Nitride, GaN)材料半導體已經被廣泛地應用於在高溫和高功率電子儀器和光電子的設備方面。近年來,氮化鎵系列放大器已陸續有相關發表。傳統的GaN MOSFETs其閘極氧化物多為利用蒸鍍或濺鍍的方式製作,然而氧化物易受到上述製程條件影響導致品質不佳。在本篇論文,我們使用光電化學(photoelectrochemistry, PEC)氧化法直接成長氧化鎵(Ga2O3)作為閘極氧化層,如此可以避免GaN表面的污染並降低氧半接面的界面態。經由X光能譜分析儀(energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS)、掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(scanning electron microscopy, SEM)以及原子力顯微鏡(atomic forced microscopy, AFM)之分析結果,可以發現熱處理後之緻密氮化鎵其組成比例並沒有被改變,此外雖然熱處理後我們可以得到較佳的介面態密度 6.28x1011 cm-2 eV-1,但是伴隨坑洞的產生導致元件特性下降,因此我們首度嘗試二次成長氧化層來改善此問題,由量測漏電流約為 10-12 A左右,顯示此方法的可行性。最後,利用間接蝕刻法來逐漸減少通道層厚度來實現完美之金氧半場效電晶體。
 Gallium nitride based semiconductors have been extensively used in the high-temperature and high-power electronic devices and optoelectronic devices. With regard to the GaN amplifiers have been reported. In conventional GaN MOSFETs, the gate oxide is externally deposited, such as SiO2, MgO, and Cd2O3. However, the quality of gate oxide is affected by the contaminant of the GaN surface. It causes the degradation of the devices to have great gate leakage current and reduce the electric field. In this thesis, we use the photoelectrochemical (PEC) oxidation method to directly grow the Ga2O3 as the gate oxidation layer of the GaN MOSFETs. Obviously it can keep of the influence of the contaminant of the GaN surface and improve the quality of the interface between GaN and gate oxide. The measurement results of EDS, SEM and AFM were used to analyze. The composition of the denser Ga2O3 was not changed; moreover, a better interface density 6.28 �e 1011 cm-2 eV-1 can be obtained, but the generation of following pinholes decreases the characteristic of devices. Therefore, we first attempt to grow the oxide twice to improve this problem, and the leakage current of around 10-12 A indicate the method is workable. Finally, indirect etch is applied to reduce the channel layer to accomplish perfect metal-oxide-semiconductor field effect transistors (MOSFETs).

Abstract (Chinese) / I
Abstract / III
Contents / V
Table Captions / VIII
Figure Captions / IX

Chapter 1. Introduction / 1
1.1. Background and Motivation / 1
1.2. Organization of the Thesis / 3

Chapter 2. Theory / 8
2.1. PEC Oxidation Method / 8
2.1.1. Introduction
2.1.2. PEC oxidation method theory
2.1.3. Apparatus and experimental procedure
2.1.4. Discussions
2.2. Ohmic Contact of n-type GaN / 12
2.2.1. Mechanism
2.2.2. Fabrication and measurement
2.3. Operation of the n-channel Depletion Mode MOSFET / 13
2.3.1. Introduction
2.3.2. Threshold voltage

Chapter 3. N-type GaN MOS Capacitor / 27
3-1. Introduction / 27
3-2. Gallium-oxide Analysis / 28
3.2.1. EDS measurement
3.2.2. SEM observation
3-3. MOS Capacitor / 30
3.3.1. Device fabrication process
3.3.2. Interface state density
3.3.3. Deep depletion capacitance and photocapacitance-
voltage method
3.3.4. Measurements and discussions

Chapter 4. N-type Depletion Mode GaN MOSFET / 48
4-1. Introduction / 48
4-2. Experimental Procedure / 48
4.2.1. Introduction
4.2.2. Epitaxial growth of the studied devices
4.2.3. Fundamental of device fabrication
4.3. DC Performance / 51
4.3.1. Hall measurement
4.3.2. Ohmic contact resistance
4.3.3. Gate leakage current characteristics
4.3.4. IDS–VDS characteristics

Chapter 5. Conclusions and Prospects / 67
Chapter 1

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