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研究生(外文):Hung-Chiao Wu
論文名稱(外文):AC/DC Converter Utilizing Round-Shaped Multi-Layer Piezoelectric Transformer with Insulation Layer
指導教授(外文):Jia-You Lee
外文關鍵詞:AC/DC converterPiezoelectric transformer
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 The purpose of this thesis is to present a piezoelectric transformer based AC/DC converter for small power electronic products, which need compact volume. Since AC/DC converters are required to conform to safety regulation. For this reason, the piezoelectric transformer would need to insert an insulation layer between input and output parts to achieve electrical insulation. Furthermore, the output voltage of the AC/DC converter is to be regulated by pulse width modulation control. The proposed AC/DC converter was individually discussed with Class-D half-bridge resonant circuit, rectifying circuit and control circuit. As a result, the AC/DC converter was implemented. Experimental result of the AC/DC converter, the highest efficiency of 72% was obtained at an input voltage of AC 100V~120V, output voltage of 9V, load current of 0.3A~1A, and operating at frequencies of 117 kHz.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
誌謝 Ⅲ
目錄 Ⅳ
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 ⅩⅡ
符號表 ⅩⅢ
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與目的 1
1-2 論文大綱 4
第二章 具隔離層圓型疊層壓電變壓器等效電路模型建立與量測 5
2-1 前言 5
2-2 壓電變壓器簡介 5
2-3 具隔離層圓型疊層壓電變壓器等效電路模型建立 9
2-3-1 無隔離層圓型疊層壓電變壓器等效電路模型 9
2-3-2 隔離層等效電路模型建立 15
2-3-3 具隔離層圓型疊層壓電變壓器完整等效電路模型18
2-4 等效電路模型量測 20
第三章 具隔離層圓型疊層壓電變壓器基本特性分析與量測 24
3-1 前言 24
3-2 壓電變壓器規格與參數 24
3-3 諧振頻率與負載關係分析 26
3-4 有載分析 29
3-4-1 電壓增益 29
3-4-2 輸出功率 30
3-4-3 轉換效率 31
3-5 雙埠網路分析 32
3-6 實際量測 37
第四章 硬體電路規劃 40
4-1 前言 40
4-2 實際電路架構 40
4-3 D類半橋諧振電路 41
4-3-1 半橋切換電路 41
4-3-2 串聯電感Ls的選擇 49
4-4 輸出整流濾波電路 51
4-5 PWM控制 54
4-6 隔離與控制電路 57
4-6-1 隔離電路設計 57
4-6-2 PWM控制電路 59
4-7 整體設計流程 60
4-8 IsSpice 電路模擬結果 63
第五章 實驗結果 66
5-1 前言 66
5-2 硬體電路製作 66
5-3 實驗結果量測 67
第六章 結論與未來研究方向 74
6-1 結論 74
6-2 未來研究方向 75
參考文獻 76
附錄 交直流轉換器實體照片 80
自傳 81
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