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研究生(外文):Sheng-Chih Shen
論文名稱(外文):A Low Cost Memory Built-in Self-Test Architecture and its Design Automation
指導教授(外文):Kuen-Jong Lee
外文關鍵詞:Memory BISTLow CostTesting
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  本低成本記憶體內建自我測試架構已經通過一系列智慧財產權資格規範而成為一個適合再度使用的設計。針對編碼部分,負責檢查設計資格的檢查軟體- nlint 顯示本低成本記憶體內建自我測試架構沒有任何的警告以及錯誤,此一結果說明了本架構的硬體描述語言具極佳之編碼樣式(coding style)。針對驗證部分,我們所設計的測試平台在描述以及分支部分的程式涵蓋率可以達到百分之百,而針對觸發部分的程式涵蓋率如果不包含常數宣告的部分也可以達到百分之百,此一結果可以保證我們驗證機制的品質。
  In this thesis, a low cost memory built-in self-test architecture called the LCBIST architecture which has the features of high speed, high fault coverage, low test power consumption, and low area overhead is proposed. A design automation tool called the LCBIST synthesizer that can synthesize the LCBIST architecture so as to reduce the human errors and increase the productivity is also developed.
  The LCBIST architecture can support the testing of the synchronous static RAM (SRAM), the synchronous dynamic RAM (SDRAM) and the double data rate SDRAM (DDR SDRAM). Multiple memories can be tested in parallel using a single controller and hence the test area overhead is small. We also prove that the test application time of this architecture in the parallel mode is the minimum when only a single test pattern generator is used. With some special design techniques, the LCBIST architecture can achieve a very high clock rate for the purpose of at-speed testing. To reduce the test power, the LCBIST synthesizer can also generate the BIST circuitry based on the memory test scheduling results. In addition, a Gray code based address generator that can effectively reduce the power consumption of the address signal related circuits is also developed. Finally, multiple algorithms can be easily implemented in the LCBIST architecture to achieve the best fault coverage.
  The LCBIST architecture has passed a set of IP qualification rules and is well suitable for a reusable design. For the coding part, the design rule checker, nlint, shows that our LCBIST architecture has no errors and no warnings, which indicates that the quality of the hardware description language (HDL) coding style is good enough. For the verification part, the code coverage of our test bench for the statement and branch tests are 100%, and that for the toggle test is 100% excepting for those constant value signals. Thus the quality of the verification procedure is also satisfactory.
Chapter 1 Introduction …………………………………………… P1
1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................P1
1.2 Introduction of Thesis ........................................................................P2
1.3 Organization of Thesis ........................................................................P3
Chapter 2 Background and Previous Work ……………………. P5
2.1 Background ........................................................................................P5
2.1.1 Synchronous Memories Introduction ................................................P5
2.1.2 March Algorithms Integration Scheme ................................................P8
2.1.3 Gray Code Counter ........................................................................P9
2.1.4 Encoding Scheme for Commands ........................................................P9
2.2 Previous Work ................................................................................P11
2.2.1 BIST Architecture ................................................................................P11
2.2.2 Gray Code Counter ................................................................................P13
Chapter 3 Low Cost BIST Architecture ………………………… P15
3.1 Architecture Overview and Design Strategy ………………………....P15
3.1.1 LCBIST Architecture Overview ……………………………………P15
3.1.2 Design Strategy ……………………………………………………P18
3.2 Parallel Testing for Multiple Memories ………………………………P19
3.2.1 Parallel Test Scheme ………………………………………………P20
3.2.2 Memory Test Scheduling Constraints ………………………………P23
3.3 Test Instruction Generator …………………………………………P25
3.3.1 Single Algorithm Test Instruction Generator …………………………P26
3.3.2 Multiple Algorithms Test Instruction Generator ……………………P26
3.3.3 Integrated Test Instruction Generator ………………………………P27
3.4 Command Translator ………………………………………………P28
3.5 Physical Signal Generator …………………………………………P29
3.6 Address Generator ……………………………………………………P32
3.6.1 Requirements of the Address Generator ………………………………P32
3.6.2 Gray Code Based Address Generator ………………………………P33
3.7 Signal Distributor ……………………………………………………P37
Chapter 4 Design Automation …..………………………………….. P38
4.1 Design Automation Flow …………………………………………P38
4.2 Setup File …………………………………………………………P40
Chapter 5 Experimental Results ………………………………….. P43
5.1 Simulation and Verification Results ………………………………P43
5.2 Synthesis Results ……………………………………………………P46
Chapter 6 Conclusions …………………………………………… P50
Appendix ………………………………………………………………P53
References ………………………………………………………………P64
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