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研究生(外文):Rei-Hueng Guo
論文名稱(外文):Design of a Superscalar Processor Simulator Using Operation State Machine Model
指導教授(外文):Jer-Min Jou
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With the growth of the embedded system, the application-specific processor is an important port of the market. In designing a processor, in addition to have a good performance and low power consumption, it is also important to shorten the time-to-market. Therefore, we need a retargetable modeling framework to rapidly explore and evaluate a candidate processor. The modeling technique of the framework needs to accurately capture complex processor behaviors and generate efficient simulators. In this thesis, we apply the Operation State Machine (OSM) model to design a popular superscalar processor. We also explain how to use the OSM model to model a superscalar processor. The generated simulator is a cycle-accurate simulator that can provide performance metric. It can offer both hardware and software developers a good reference.
Chapter 1 Introduction...................................................1
Chapter 2 Micro-processor Modeling.......................................3
 2.1 Survey of Micro-processor Modeling Approaches.......................3
  2.1.1 Accuracy Levels of Processor models.............................3
  2.1.2 Microprocessor Simulator........................................6
 2.2 Analysis of high quality micro-architecture modeling................7
Chapter 3 Operation State Machine Model..................................9
 3.1 The Operation State Machine Model...................................9
  3.1.1 The Operation Layer............................................10
  3.1.2 The Hardware Layer.............................................11
  3.1.3 Interaction Approaches in the OSM model........................11
 3.2 Scheduling in OSM Model............................................14
  3.2.1 OSM Scheduler in Operation Level...............................15
  3.2.2 DE Scheduler in Hardware Level.................................18
 3.3 Modeling of Common Processor Features..............................18
 3.4 Modeling Detail of 5 Stage Pipelined Processor.....................23
Chapter 4 Case Studies: Alpha 21264 Superscalar Processor Architecture..29
 4.1 Fetch Stage........................................................30
  4.1.1 Branch Predictor...............................................32
  4.1.2 Instruction Fetch Queue (IFQ)..................................38
 4.2 Renaming Stage.....................................................39
 4.3 Issue Stage........................................................41
  4.3.1 Out-out-order execution........................................41
  4.3.2 Scheduler – Out-of-Order Issue Queue..........................42
 4.4 Reorder Buffer.....................................................43
 4.5 Memory Unit........................................................43
  4.5.1 Load/Store Queue...............................................44
  4.5.2 Memory Dependence Prediction...................................46
Chapter 5 Alpha OSM Simulator and Simulation Results....................51
 5-1 Implementation Detail..............................................51
 5-2 Performance and Result.............................................61
  5.2.1 Simulation Result..............................................61
Chapter 6 Conclusion...................................................64
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