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研究生(外文):Ming-Huei Yu
論文名稱(外文):A New Model for the Hunting Stability Analysis of Railway Vehicle System
指導教授(外文):Sen-Yung Lee
外文關鍵詞:creepagewheelsetcarbodyvehicle systemHuntingtruck
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  關於軌道車輛的穩定性分析,至今已有相當數量的論文發表,大多數論文探討車輛之懸吊系統對於車輛系統穩定性的影響,他們假設車體固定不動,即未考慮車體運動對於車輛穩定性的影響,一般而言,這樣的假設是相當不合理的。然而,車體的運動與轉向架之間的互制行為是考慮車輛是否穩定的重要指標。在本論文中,提出一種新的車輛系統模型,考慮半節車廂,完整地推導車體、轉向架與輪軸組之運動方程式,進而考慮車體運動行為對於整個車輛系統的影響,並針對行駛於彎曲軌道上之車輛系統進行動態的穩定性分析。探討穩定性上以Liapunov`s indirect method理論來分析系統臨界速度大小。經由數值分析所得到的圖形,本文將討論車輛懸吊系統各個參數對臨界速度的影響,藉此更加瞭解以及掌握軌道車輛的穩定性與安全性。
Many Papers about stability analysis of railway vehicle have been presented up to now. It has been investigated that the influence of the vehicles suspension system about the stability of vehicle system in most of papers. These papers assume that the car body is fixed. It means that they don’t consider the influence of car body motion about the stability of vehicle. In general, such assumptions are very unreasonable. However, the interaction between the car body motion and truck motion is the important factor in stability behavior. In this paper, a new model of vehicle system will be presented. We consider a half railway carriage and completely derive the governing differential equations of motion for the car body, the truck and the wheelsets. Further we consider the influence of the car body motion about the vehicle system. We also probe the running stability behavior of railway vehicle moving on curved tracks. In the discussion of stability, Liapunov’s indirect method theory is used to analyze critical speed of the system. From the diagram of numerical analysis in this paper, the influence of each parameter of suspension system about critical speed will be discussed, so as to realize the stability and safety of vehicle and get them in control.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 V
圖目錄 VII
符號說明 IX

第一章 緒論 1
1-1 問題描述 1
1-2 文獻回顧 3
1-3 研究動機及本文架構 6

第二章 車輪與鋼軌間之滾動接觸理論 7
2-1 簡介 7
2-2 潛滑率 7
2-3 車輪與鋼軌的滾動接觸理論 10
2-3-1 Kalker線性理論 10
2-3-2 Heuristic非線性潛滑理論 12

第三章 運動方程式的建立 15
3-1 簡介 15
3-2 輪軸組、框架與車體的運動方程式 16
3-2-1 輪組組 16
3-2-2 框架 22
3-2-3 車體 22
3-3 外力項 24
3-3-1 潛滑力 27
3-3-2 正向力 30
3-3-3 懸吊力 30
3-3-4 凸緣力 32
3-4 建立運動方程式 33

第四章 穩定性理論 35
4-1 簡介 35
4-2 Lyapunov’s indirect method穩定性理論 35
4-3 Lyapunov’s indirect method之應用 36

第五章 結果與討論 41
5-1不同自由度系統模擬對於車輛動態穩定性的影響 41
5-2不同系統模型模擬對於車輛動態穩定性的影響 42
5-3不同軌道半徑對於車輛動態穩定性的影響 44
5-4其他相關參數對於車輛動態穩定性的影響 45

第六章 結論 60

參考文獻 62
附錄 67
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