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研究生(外文):Ren-Zuo Huang
論文名稱(外文):Tele-manipulation of micro-object inisolated VR environment
指導教授(外文):Ren-Jung Chang
外文關鍵詞:micro-grippervideo compressiontele-manipulationvirtual reality
  • 被引用被引用:2
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 In this thesis, the size of micro-compliant gripper developed by “Opto-Mechatronic System Control Laboratory” has been reduced and its design has been improved. By integrating optical microscope, manipulator, and micro-compliant gripper actuated by SMA, then it becomes a micro-manipulation system. Using mechanical design to enhance the function of system, and achieve the requirement of micro-manipulation in isolated environment.

 Utilizing the video compression technique can provide video information for operator. Using image processing technique to obtain the feature of image and then virtual scene could be established. Virtual scene and video information are auxiliary interfaces which can help operator to manipulate micro gripper. For remote operation, using various messages to communicate with server site and client site, then tele-manipulation of micro-object in isolated VR environment can be achieved.
第一章 緒論....................................1
1-1 前言.......................................1
1-2 文獻回顧...................................2
1-3 研究目標...................................7
1-4 研究方法...................................7
1-5 本文架構...................................8
第二章 網路遠端操作系統........................9
2-1 時間基準控制理論...........................9
2-2 非時間基準控制理論........................10
2-3 網路概要..................................12
2-3-1 通訊協定................................12
2-3-2 客戶端/伺服器模型.......................15
2-4 Windows sockets API.......................17
第三章 微撓性夾持系統.........................22
3-1 微夾持器設計..............................23
3-2 機械臂控制................................24
3-3 搖桿控制..................................25
3-4 顯微鏡Z軸致動機構設計.....................26
第四章 視訊壓縮與影像校準.....................30
4-1 視訊擷取..................................30
4-2 畫面繪製..................................31
4-3 色彩轉換..................................32
4-4 視訊壓縮..................................33
4-4-1 H.263...................................33
4-4-2 H.263編碼架構...........................35
4-4-3 預測編碼(Predictive Coding) ............36
4-4-4 離散餘弦轉換............................38
4-4-5 量化(Quantization) .....................39
4-4-6 可變長度編碼(Variable Length Coding) ...40
4-4-7 H.263 解碼流程..........................41
4-4 光源調控..................................41
4-6 影像解析度校準............................42
4-7 機械臂座標校準............................45
第五章 影像參數估測與虛擬場景之建立...........48
5-1 夾持器位置估測............................48
5-2 微粒子參數估測............................50
5-3 OpenGL應用程式介面........................52
5-4 3D實體模型................................53
5-5 利用 Stencil緩衝區實現CSG模型.............54
5-6 場景亮度調控與視角轉換....................59
5-7 夾持器運動分析............................60
第六章 系統整合與實現.........................63
6-1 系統之軟體設計............................63
6-2 伺服端與客戶端之訊息溝通..................64
6-3 伺服端之微操縱系統環境....................66
6-4 遠端控制程式流程..........................67
6-5 場景測試..................................67
6-6 微操作之夾持流程..........................69
第七章 結論與未來展望.........................75
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