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研究生(外文):Vincent Tien
論文名稱(外文):3D Computer-Aided Garment Design Using Trimmed NURBS Surface
指導教授(外文):Jing-Jing Fang
外文關鍵詞:Point inversion and projectionNURBS SurfaceCAD
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本研究屬其中三維服裝的設計的課題,以Trimmed NURBS曲面建立衣身曲面並進行三維裁剪與款式設計。提出數個改進與實作NURBS的方法,對於衣身曲面樣版的建立提出一個參數化的方法,使樣版依人體曲線自動產生。在衣身的編修方面提出改進的單點NURBS編修方法,使編修結果更為平順,此外還搭配具拘束條件的編修方式提供具編修方向的操作介面。至於選點以及在衣身曲面上尋找身體對應特徵所用到的Point inversion and projection方法,本研究提出一穩健性的做法,避開他人研究採用牛頓法所遭遇的初值問題,此外更以一種有效率的方法實作直線與NURBS曲線、曲面相交的計算。至於服裝款式上,本研究使用簡單的週期函數,以產生波浪狀款式。
Free-form surfaces are widely used in three dimensional computer aided design and manufacturing. Its applicable methodologies are continuously developed for various industrial applications. However, the CAD/CAM technology for apparel industry is still immature, which required more advanced researches on several fields, such as parameterized 3D mannequin modeling, 3D garment simulation, 3D garment design, and 3D to 2D pattern conversion.
Our research belongs to the field of 3D garment design, using trimmed NURBS surface to implement garments modification and cutting. We provide several methods to improve and implement the technology for 3D garment design. For instance, we developed a parameterized method to generalize garment prototype which involve global approximation method to construct NURBS surfaces. We also present a NURBS curve and surface modification method for smoothing the shape of the designed surface. By using constrained NURBS modification, a three-dimensional garment design can be achieved by dragging surface on a specific direction. Point inversion and projection method is applied to the closest point selection on the NURBS curve/surface. We proposed a robust method to solve the initial value problem for closest point selection. Meanwhile, we present an efficient method of finding the intersection between either a line and a NURBS curve or a line and a NURBS surface. In additions, we implemented a simple methodology of periodic function to generate a wave-like shape of skirt.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VIII
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 3
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 NURBS相關研究 4
2.2 電腦輔助服裝設計相關研究 10
第三章 研究方法 13
3.1 NURBS曲線、曲面的單點編修 13
3.2 由模型空間的點反求最接近的參數值 18
3.3 直線與NURBS曲線、曲面的交點 22
第四章 Trimmed NURBS Surface之應用實作 28
4.1 人體結構定義 28
4.2 基本衣身曲面的建立 30
4.2.1 基本衣身樣版 30
4.2.2 衣身曲面的擬合 36
4.3 服飾編修 39
4.4 Trimmed NURBS Surface應用於服飾款式裁剪 44
4.5 波浪裙襬造型 46
第五章 討論與未來展望 50
5.1 研究成果 50
5.2 討論與建議 51
5.3 未來展望 52
參考文獻 55
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