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研究生(外文):Tien-Hsing Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Error Analysis of the Planar Multi-loop Mechanisms with Joint Clearances
指導教授(外文):Ming-June Tsai
外文關鍵詞:Position errorReciprocal screwWrenchTransmission performanceKinematical pairJoint clearanceInstantaneous configuration
  • 被引用被引用:2
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  本研究的主旨,乃針對考慮接頭間隙(Clearance)的多迴路連桿機構作位置和傳動性能等之誤差分析。而以螺旋理論為基礎,應用互逆螺旋(reciprocal screw)的數學關係去協助求解機構之瞬時構形,建立一套適用於考慮接頭間隙的連桿機構之數學模式。由等值間隙桿(Equivalent Clearance Link)的概念,我們以虛擬間隙桿代替間隙,即把因為間隙多出的自由度,以等效的接頭自由度來取代,如此機構將成為多可動度之非拘束度機構。對受力狀況下之非拘束機構,以螺旋型式表示之虛功原理提出其位置分析之數學模式。在靜力平衡的考慮下,機構將會在任何瞬間構形保持靜力平衡。此時,任何機件所受之外加鈑鉗,將會與其所有接頭傳動鈑鉗保持平衡。


  本研究以具有不同輸入桿之六桿多迴路連桿機構為例,說明本研究所提出之求解方法。並對考慮和不考慮接頭間隙(Clearance)的連桿機構,相互比較其位置和傳動性能。在Watt-I機構例子中,由於傳動鈑鉗作用下機構出現跳躍點構形(Jump point) ,此種跳躍點構形明顯與一般跳躍點構形(停滯點)並不相同。

 This study introduces a generalized method for error analysis of multi-loop mechanisms with joint clearances. The transmission performance of linkages that have joint clearance is also analyzed. In the study, the joint clearance is treated as virtual link to simplify the study. Equivalent kinematical pairs are used to model the motion freedoms caused by the joint clearances. Under static condition, a mechanism should be in equilibrium at any configuration. The developed methodology uses the properties of reciprocal screws to determine the instantaneous configurations. The joint transmission wrench should equilibrate all externally applied wrenches for each link member. An extra set of constraint equations can be obtained since the joint transmission wrench screw should be reciprocal to the joint twist screw of the member.

 To solve the hyper-freedom linkage problem, we must first assure that the number of independent equations available is at least equal to the number of unknown variables. It has been proved that the number of unknown variables of transmission wrench screws and joint twist screws is equal to the number of wrench equilibrium equations、 reciprocal equations、 positional closed-loop equations and the link-length equations. Then the unknown variables of a mechanism, such as positions, can be solved with the equations simultaneously.

 Six-bar linkages with different specified input links are taken as examples. Positioning error with joint clearance is compared with that of the ideal mechanism. The joint contact “jump point ” configuration under the influence of transmission wrench screw is identified and it may not be at the conventional jump point (stationary) configuration of the mechanism.
Abstract i
中文摘要 iii
誌謝 iv
Table of Contents v
List of Tables viii
List of Figures ix
Nomenclature xi
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Important effect of joint clearance 1
1.2 Literature reviews 1
1.3 Motives and objectives 4
1.4 Organization of this dissertation 5
Chapter 2 Fundamental Concepts and Screw Theory 7
2.1 Three types of dynamic mode 7
2.2 The equivalent joint clearance link (EJCL) 8
2.2.1 The R-joint 8
2.2.2 The P-joint 9
2.2.3 The S-joint 10
2.3 Fundamental concepts of screw theory 11
2.3.1 Line representation 11
2.3.2 Screw representation 12
2.3.3 Reciprocal screw 13
2.4 The transmission wrench screw (TWS) and joint twist screw (JTS) 14
2.5 The relation of the TWS and the JTS of multi-loop mechanisms 15
Chapter 3 The Error Analysis of Single Loop Multi-freedom Mechanisms 17
3.1 The single loop multi-freedom mechanisms 17
3.2 Joint transmission wrench screw and externally applied wrench screw 17
3.3 Reciprocal equations 19
3.4 Link-length equations 20
3.5 The Principle of Virtual Work (P.V.W.) 21
3.6 Numerical example and discussion 30
3.6.1 Example 3.1 30
3.6.2 Example 3.2 36
3.6.3 Example 3.3 39
Chapter 4 The Error Analysis of Multi-loop Mechanisms with Joint
Clearances 46
4.1 Problem statement 46
4.2 Analysis of solvability 46
4.3 The examples of some planar multi-loop mechanisms 48
4.4 Numerical examples of the multi-loop mechanisms 50
4.4.1 Example 4.1 50
4.4.2 Example 4.2 62
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Suggestions 70
5.1 Conclusions 70
5.2 Suggestions for feature research 71
References 72
Appendix A The thirty-two sets of solutions Appendix 76
Appendix B Numerical method 78
B-1 Newton method 78
B-2 Homotopy method 80
(VITA in Chinese) 84
Copyright Statement 85
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