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研究生(外文):Wei-Chen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Stereoscopic Display on Flat Display Panels with a Robotic Binocular Head by Parallax Barrier Method
指導教授(外文):Tsing-Iuan Tsay
外文關鍵詞:parallax barrier methodvirtual-viewpoint imagebinocular stereoscopic method
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  Display technology has progressed from black-and-white sets to color models and lately high-definition television. Since real-world visual information is three-dimensional, the aim of display technology is to display images that are as natural and real as things people see and experience every day. Various three-dimensional (3-D) imaging techniques exist, but only stereoscopic methods have good development and application. Most 3-D image-projection systems today are based on binocular stereoscopic methods, which can display two different images in parallax.

  The goal of this study is to continue research on stereoscopic three dimensional images and to apply the parallax barrier method to construct flat display panels, using a robotic binocular head that function just like the right and left eyes of a human being and a plate with vertical slits as a barrier over an image with alternating strips of right and left eyes images. The principle of operation assumes that the geometry is correct and that each eye sees only one set of stripes, so that the viewer perceives a stereoscopic image. The parallax barrier method is a three-dimensional imaging technique that enables a viewer to perceive a stereoscopic effect without wearing glasses. To ensure that the stereoscopic image not only contains binocular parallax information but also provides horizontal movement parallax so that viewer can see around objects as he move his head from side to side, virtual-viewpoint images are interpolated to form images on the right and left eyes.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
1.4 貢獻 3
1.5 本文內容 4

第二章 人類的立體視覺與3D立體顯示技術 5
2.1 人類眼睛產生深度知覺的因素 5
2.1.1 產生深度感的生理線索 5
2.1.2 產生深度感的心理線索 7
2.2 3D立體顯示器原理 8
2.3 視差遮障法之立體顯示原理 9

第三章 使用雙眼機械頭完成平面螢幕立體影像之設計 15
3.1 立體顯示器的影像扭曲 15
3.1.1 影像的楔形扭曲 15
3.1.2 Puppet Theater Effect 16
3.1.3 交互漏光(Crosstalk) 16
3.1.4 Cardboard Effect 17
3.1.5 剪性像扭曲(Shear Distortion) 18
3.1.6 調節作用與雙眼輻輳不協調 18
3.2 視差遮障板之設計 18

第四章 虛擬視角影像 28
4.1 特徵點的抽取(Feature Extraction) 28
4.2 特徵點的對應(Feature Correlation) 30
4.3 狄勞尼三角(Delaunay Triangulation) 31
4.4 形變(Morphing) 32
4.4.1 影像的扭曲(Warping) 32
4.4.2 影像的交互融合(Cross-dissolving) 34

第五章 硬體設備與實驗 38
5.1 雙眼機械頭之硬體架構 38
5.2 實驗設定與場景 39
5.3 立體影像之製作 40
5.3.1 立體影像的擷取 41
5.3.2 產生虛擬視角影像 42
5.3.3 影像的插排 44
5.3.4 視差遮障板之製作 45
5.4 雙眼視差及移動視差的立體影像 46
第六章 結論 61
6.1 結果與討論 61
6.2 未來展望 61

參考文獻 62
自述 66
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