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研究生(外文):Ya-Ling Chen
論文名稱(外文):Adenovirus-mediated Human Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene Transfer in Bile-duct Ligated Animals
指導教授(外文):Shu-Chu Shiesh
外文關鍵詞:AdenovirusHeme Oxygenase-1Cholestasis
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  膽汁鬱滯是指膽汁的形成或流動發生障礙的病態情形,會發生在很多肝病患者。有許多的證據指出氧化壓力在膽汁鬱滯致成之肝傷害中扮演重要的角色。第一型血基質氧化酵素(heme oxygenase-1, HO-1)是可以被誘發的壓力性蛋白質 ,同時也是細胞分解代謝血基質的速率決定步驟酵素。研究指出HO-1參與抗發炎、抗細胞凋亡及提供細胞保護防禦機制以對抗氧化壓力所的造成傷害。HO-1已被報導在膽管結紮後在肝臟的表現會上升。然而,在膽汁鬱滯期間是否可利用外源性HO-1提供肝細胞保護的功能免於損害則並不清楚。因此,本研究利用構築重組腺病毒攜帶人類HO-1 (Ad-hHO-1),在ICR小鼠膽管結紮前一天給予腹腔注射氯化鈷(血基質氧化酵素化學刺激劑),或前三天給予(Ad-hHO-1),或重組腺病毒(Ad-LacZ),分別在膽管結紮後一天、三天、七天、十四天犧牲小鼠,測定血清中AST、ALT、膽紅素的濃度及病理組織切片染色,評估膽汁鬱滯肝傷害的病理變化,探討誘發HO-1的表現是否具有保護作用及其作用機制。Ad-hHO-1的建構,利用西方墨點法確認本研究所構築的重組腺病毒的確會表現HO-1。在膽管結紮七天的動物實驗模式,結果發現在結紮前三天給予Ad-hHO-1,可以降低血清AST活性(與膽管結紮組相較896±351 U/L v.s 450±146, p=0.01)。前一天給予腹腔注射氯化鈷亦可以降低AST活性,但不具統計意義(587±333, p=0.15)。同樣地,ALT在結紮前三天給予Ad-hHO-1較結紮組為低(999±335 U/L v.s 554±193, p=0.0135),給予氯化鈷亦可以降低ALT活性(557±177, p=0.015),顯示HO-1的給予或誘導可以減緩膽汁鬱滯肝細胞傷害及其血清中AST、ALT的濃度。總結,本實驗的結果發現利用藥物短時間誘導HO-1的表現及利用腺病毒導入HO-1基因可以減緩膽汁鬱滯所導致肝損傷。
  Cholestasis is a pathologic state of reduced bile formation or flow that occurs in many human liver diseases. Growing evidence suggests that considerable destruction of oxidative stress regulation may play an important role in cholestatic liver injury. Heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) is the inducible and rate-limiting enzyme which catalyzes the oxidative degradation of heme. Evidence has been shown that HO-1 plays a pivotal role in anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptosis, and cytoprotective defense mechanism against oxidative stress. Elevated HO-1 expression in the liver was found in bile duct ligation aminals. However, it is not known whether the induction of HO-1 exogenously would protect the liver from damage of cholestasis. Therefore, it was the aim of the study, by the use of a bile duct-ligated model of cholestatsis in mice, to investigate the protective role of HO-1 and it’s mechanism. We constructed a human HO-1 (hHO-1) recombinant adenovirus (Ad-hHO-1) and examined the phenotypes of exogenous hHO-1 overexpression in mice with bile duct ligation (BDL). The common bile duct ligated ICR mice were pretreated with CoCl2 as a HO-1 inducer or recombinant adenovirus by intraperitoneal administration and sacrificed in 1, 3, 7, or 14 days after BDL. The HO-1 expression of Ad-hHO-1 was confirmed by western blotting. Serum levels of AST, ALT and bilirubin and the pathological changes were examined to monitor the damage in liver in BDL animal model. Compared with BDL group, the serum level of AST in Ad-hHO-1 group was decreased (896±351 U/L v.s 449±146, p=0.01) in 7 days after BDL. The ALT in Ad-hHO-1 groups was also decreased (999±335 U/L v.s. 554±193 p=0.01). Similar result of ALT level was found in BDL with CoCl2 administration (999±335 U/L v.s 557±177, p=0.015). We found that CoCl2 or Ad-hHO-1 administration could reduce the liver injury during cholesatsis and the serum levels of AST, ALT. In conclusion, HO-1 overexpression using chemical induction or adenovirus transfer could reduce the liver injury during cholestasis.

材料與方法 .................................................20
A 材料..................................................20
B 方法..................................................23
1、 重組質體 pGEM-T easy/ hHO-1的構築....................23
2、 重組穿梭質體 pAdTrack-CMV/ hHO-1的構築...............23
3、 重組腺病毒pAdEasy-1/hHO-1載體的構築..................23
4、 質體製備.............................................24
5、 勝任細胞(Competent cell)的製備.......................27
6、 質體構築的相關技術...................................28
7、 質體轉入(Transformation).............................29
8、 細胞培養.............................................29
9、 重組腺病毒的擴增.....................................30
10、 重組腺病毒的定量.....................................31
11、 硫酸十二酯一聚丙醯胺凝膠電泳法(SDS-PAGE).............32
12、 西方墨點法(Western blot).............................34
13、 動物實驗之設計與分組.................................36
14、 實驗動物之血清生化測定...............................37
15、 小鼠肝臟Cytosols / microsomes 製備...................37
16、 蛋白質濃度測定.......................................38
17、 血基質氧化酵素活性測定...............................39
18、 石蠟包埋組織切片蘇木紫-伊紅染色......................41
19、 細胞凋亡之DNA 片段偵測(TUNEL assay)..................42
20、 統計方法.............................................44

結果………………………………………………………………………… 45
討論………………………………………………………………………… 53
總結………………………………………………………………………… 61
參考文獻…………………………………………………………………… 62
圖…………………………………………………………………………… 74
附錄………………………………………………………………………… 93
附表………………………………………………………………………… 95
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