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研究生(外文):Chien-Hui Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The post-transcriptional regulation of human FGF9 3’ untranslated region (3’UTR) on FGF9 protein expression
指導教授(外文):Hsiao-Fang Sunny Sun
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 Post-transcriptional control, which includes determining transcript stability, level of translation, mRNA targeting, poly (A) shortening and alternative polyadenylation, has been shown to regulate protein expression via interaction of untranslated regions (5’ and 3’UTR) with regulatory proteins. Recent studies reveal the power of 3’UTR in controlling cell–fate determination, location and timing of cell division, and shaping the expression pattern during development. Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) is an autocrine/paracrine growth factor that plays important roles in embryonic development, organ development, sexual development and physiologic maintenances. Limited studies have reported the expression control of human FGF9. Our previous study has demonstrated the microsatellite (MS) motif of FGF9 3’UTR can influence gene expression in a reporter gene system. Additional sequence analysis using bioinformatics tools suggested the AU-rich element (ARE) of FGF9 3’UTR may also participate in regulating FGF9 mRNAs. Furthermore, information from searching EST database showed several FGF9 transcripts with different length in 3’UTR. These data suggested the potential regulatory role of FGF9 3’UTR on FGF9 protein expression. This study aims to identify all possible functional cis-elements of FGF9 3’UTR and its associated proteins. We have identified five FGF9 transcripts with different lengths in 3’end by 3’RACE in HEK293 cells. The varied lengths of 614-, 549-, 194-, 73-, and 50-bp from the stop codon of FGF9 transcript are containing both MS and ARE motifs, MS motif only, or none of the motifs. The role of each element and varied FGF9 transcripts in regulating FGF9 protein expression is investigated using luciferase assay. The data showed either a point mutation within the AUUUA motif or deletion of FGF9 3’UTR MS motif significantly increased reporter gene activity in HEK293 cells, besides; the different FGF9 transcripts have various expression level of reporter gene. Additional mRNA turnover and RNA-protein interaction studies suggested both ARE and MS motif of FGF9 3’UTR may destabilize FGF9 mRNA through the interactions and RNA-binding proteins. In conclusion, results from this study indicate ARE and MS motifs of FGF9 3’UTR can modulate FGF9 protein expression by destabilizing FGF9 mRNA stability.


1.1 Fibroblast growth factor 9 (FGF9) 1
1.1.1 Molecular property of human FGF9 1
1.1.2 The biological functions of FGF9 1
1.1.3 The pathogenic role of FGF9 3
1.2 Controls of gene expression in Eukaryotes 4
1.2.1 Controls of gene expression 4
1.2.2 Post-transcriptional regulation 4
1.2.3 mRNA decay pathways in mammalian cells 6
1.3 The role of 3’UTR mediated mRNA stability 7
1.3.1 Cis-acting elements determinant in mRNA stability 7
1.3.2 Trans-factors that bind the 3’UTR cis-acting determinants 11
1.4 Objective of this study 12
2.1 Cell culture 14
2.1.1 Routine maintenance and subculture 14
2.1.2 Cell stock 14
2.2 Total RNA isolation and reverse transcriptional polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) 15
2.2.1 Total RNA isolation 15
2.2.2 DNase treatment 15
2.2.3 Reverse transcription 16
2.2.4 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) 17
2.3 Plasmid DNA preparation and DNA purification 17
2.3.1 Minipreparation of plasmid DNA 17
2.3.2 Midipreparation of plasmid DNA 18
2.3.3 Gel extraction 19
2.4 Rapid amplification of cDNA 3’ends (3’RACE) 20
2.4.1 Primer design for 3’RACE 20
2.4.2 First-strand cDNA synthesis and RACE-PCR 20
2.4.3 Cloning human FGF9 3’UTR transcripts by TA cloning 21
2.4.4 Rapid colony screening 22
2.5 Construction of reporter plasmid with human FGF9 3’UTR and mutation constructs 22
2.5.1 Vectors 22
2.5.2 Full length and deletion constructs 23
2.5.3 Mutation constructs 25
2.6 Transient transfection and luciferase assay 26
2.6.1 Transient transfection 26
2.6.2 Luciferase assay 27
2.6.3 Protein assay 28
2.6.4 Statistical analysis 28
2.7 mRNA turnover study 28
2.7.1 Time point and dosage for Actinomycin D (Act D) treatment 28
2.7.2 RT-PCR for mRNA turnover study 29
2.7.3 Real-time TaqMan relative-quantitative PCR 29
2.7.4 Luciferase assay with Act D treatment 31
2.8 RNA-electrophoretic mobility shift assay (RNA-EMSA) 31
2.8.1 Design biotin-labeled RNA oligos 31
2.8.2 Prepare the total cell extracts 32
2.8.3 Perform binding reaction and electrophoresis 32
2.8.4 Electrophoretic transfer of binding reactions to nylon membrane 33
2.8.5 Detect biotin-labeled RNA by Chemiluminescence 33
2.9 Computational analysis 35
2.9.1 Restriction enzyme site prediction 35
2.9.2 Primer design 35
2.9.3 RNA secondary structure prediction 35
2.9.4 Potential regulatory elements prediction 35
2.9.5 AU-rich element search 36
2.9.6 EST database search 36
2.9.7 Multiple sequence alignment 36
3.1 Bioinformatics prediction 38
3.2 Cloning and sequencing of the 3′-ends of the human FGF9 gene 39
3.3 The ARE and MS motif of the human FGF9 3’UTR is a cis-acting element in HEK293 40
3.4 Effect of the ARE sequence and MS motifs of human FGF9 3’UTR on mRNA stability 41
3.5 Pattern of interaction between the FGF9 3’UTR and RNA-binging proteins 42
4.1 Identification of post-transcriptional regulation of FGF9 44
4.2 The regulation of FGF9 gene expression by 3’UTR 48
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