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研究生(外文):Sheng-Li Lu
論文名稱(外文):Characterization of GaN films and AlN/GaN superlattice grown by radio-frequency molecular beam epitaxy
指導教授(外文):Yeong-Her Wang
外文關鍵詞:AlN/GaN superlatticeMBEGaN
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  在此論文中我們利用裝備有RF 電漿輔助氮氣源的Riber compact 21s分子束磊晶系統成長氮化鎵薄膜,由於缺乏氮化鎵塊體基板,因此基板的選擇對於磊晶品質具有相當重大的影響。一般常用矽基板、藍寶石基板和template基板來成長氮化鎵薄膜,我們發現了在未成長低溫緩衝層的藍寶石基板上成長氮化鎵,可以得到0.753nm的表面均方根值和5.4 arcmin XRD的半高寬,其薄膜特性結果顯示比成長在template或Si基板上佳。此外,在研究氮化鎵磊晶層之氮/鎵比時發現,偏於Ga-rich 的樣品其表面較為平整且光致螢光光譜的半高寬較小;在比例接近相等時會有最窄的對稱x-ray 繞射曲線。
  Riber compact 21s molecular beam epitaxy system equipped with a radio frequency plasma assisted nitrogen source has been used to grow GaN films. Due to the lack of suitable GaN bulk substrate, the choice of the substrate has quite great influence on the GaN epilayer. Si, sapphire and template are used as the substrates for the growth of GaN eiplayers. It is found that with suitable Ga/N ratio, high quality GaN layers can be directly grown on the sapphire without using the low temperature buffer layers by RF-MBE. The 0.753 nm rms surface roughness and 5.4 arcmin full-width at the half-maximum (FWHM) of XRD can be directly grown on sapphire which are better than those grown on template or Si.
  In the N/Ga flux ratio of GaN epitaxy layer experiment, we have found these interesting results. First, the smoothest surface roughness rms of atomic force microscopy (AFM) and the narrowest peak width of PL spectrum appear in a slight Ga-rich condition. Second, the smallest of XRD FWHM appear in the nearly stoichiometry condition.
  Finally, we report the results about 20 periods superlattices of [(AlN)1/(GaN)9]/(AlN)5 on GaN template and sapphire substrate grown by RF-MBE. We find low Al content (x=0.25) GaN/AlxGa1-xN/GaN buffer layer grown on sapphire substrates are better than GaN template.
List of Figures
List of Tables

Chapter 1 Introduction......................1
1.1 Motivation .........................1
1.2 Objective...........................1
1.3 Organization of the thesis..........3

Chapter 2 Growth by MBE.....................7
2.1 Background review...................7
2.2 MBE vacuum chamber..................8
2.2.1 MBE vacuum chamber.............9
2.2.2 Effusion cells................10
2.2.3 Radio Frequency Plasma assisted
nitrogen source...............10
2.2.4 Reflective high energy electron
2.3 Characteristic measurements........12
2.3.1 Alpha step surface profiler...12
2.3.2 Atomic force microscope (AFM).13
2.3.3 Photoluminescence (PL)........13
2.3.4 X-ray diffraction (XRD).......14
2.3.5 Transmission electron microscope

Chapter 3 Experimental procedures..........20
3.1 Substrate cleaning.................20
3.2 Baking and degassing...............20
3.3 Nitradation........................20
3.4 Epitaxial growth of GaN films......21
3.5 Epitaxial growth of AlN/GaN

Chapter 4 Results of the GaN films.........27
4.1 The GaN film grown on sapphire
4.2 The GaN film grown on template
4.3 The GaN film grown on Si substrate.29
4.4 The GaN film grown on sapphire
substrate without LT buffer layer..30

Chapter 5 Results of the AlN/GaN
5.1 Fabrication and characterization of
short period AlN/GaN superlattice
5.1.1 Experimental procedure.......47
5.1.2 Results and discussions......48
5.2 Fabrication and characterization of
short period AlN/GaN superlattice
structures with different Al content
buffer layer.......................49
5.2.1 Experimental procedure.......49
5.2.2 Results and discussions......50

Chapter 6 Conclusions & Future.............63
6.1 Conclusions........................63
6.2 Future work........................64

Reference .................................66
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