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研究生(外文):Rung-Chuan Lin
論文名稱(外文):Generic Virtual Metrology Scheme and System
指導教授(外文):Fan-Tien Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Chemical Vapor DepositionVirtual Metrology (VM)Radial Basis Function Neural Network
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 In a semiconductor or TFT-LCD fab, the production equipment is periodically monitored to assure the stability of production processes and the quality of products. Taking the semiconductor fab for example, on-line monitoring on the wafer is required for equipment performance monitoring to assess wafer quality. At present, the semiconductor fab adopts the method of periodical monitoring by processing the test wafers through the main production equipment. However, periodical monitoring cannot provide real-time and overall monitoring data and quality assurance to each wafer, because the equipment performance drift may happen in the intervals of scheduled monitoring, scrap the wafers and greatly increase the production cost.
 Aiming at the difficulties mentioned above, this work proposes a virtual metrology (VM) system. The VM not only greatly decreases the demand of test wafers, but also realizes the real-time online monitoring of wafer quality to every production wafer and immediately reports the information about equipment performance to maintenance engineers. With the parameters collected from production equipment, VM can effectively prognoses the production quality both on wafer quality and equipment performance before the physical metrology operation is performed. The core mechanism of the proposed system is virtual metrology module developed with radial basis function neural network; besides the model parameter coordinator is also developed to VM to define and adjust the parameters of the radial basis function neural network. Further, in order to verify the performance of the scheme proposed, in this work, we implement VM to the practical production process of chemical vapor deposition in a semiconductor fab.

目錄 i
圖目錄 iii
表目錄 v
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 3
1.3 研究流程 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 文獻探討與理論基礎 6
2.1 相關文獻探討 6
2.1.1 預測系統之相關架構 6
2.1.2 品質預測之相關技術 10
2.2 相關理論基礎 12
2.2.1 常態分配之特性 12
2.2.2 主成份分析 16
2.2.3 類神經網路 19 類神經網路原理 19 徑向基底函數類神經網路 22
2.2.4 統一塑模語言 26
第三章 通用型虛擬量測機制與系統 30
3.1 通用型虛擬量測機制 30
3.2 通用型虛擬量測系統架構設計 34
3.2.1 需求分析 34
3.2.2 物件導向分析 34 使用者案例圖 35 循序圖 36 類別圖(OOA) 44
3.2.3 物件導向設計 45 類別圖(OOD) 45 活動圖 47
3.3 系統執行環境 52
第四章 案例分析 54
4.1 半導體製程簡介 54
4.2化學氣相沉積製程參數簡介 57
4.2.1 失效偵測分類資料格式 59
4.2.2 統計製程管制資料格式 62
第五章 系統實作 64
5.1 開發環境 65
5.2 資料前處理技術之建構 65
5.3 虛擬量測模組之建構 67
5.4 信心指標之建構 71
5.5 準確度評估之建構 75
5.6 模組參數調整之建構 76
第六章 實作結果與比較 81
6.1 RBFNN參數調整之比較 81
6.2 VMS與QPS之比較 83
第七章 結論 90
7.1 論文總結 90
7.2 未來研究方向 91
參考文獻 92
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