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研究生(外文):Shang-Chieh Lu
論文名稱(外文):Passivation Effects of Initial Fibroblast Adhesion to Titanium Alloy with Nano Roughness
指導教授(外文):Ching-Cheng WangTzer-Min Lee
外文關鍵詞:Ti6Al4VfibroblastCell adhesive forceSPMCytodetachment
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  本研究針對具奈米等級表面粗糙度的鈦六鋁四釩合金經由不同表面鈍化處理和纖維細胞初期黏附關係進行探討。四種試片表面處理分別為:試片表面未鈍化處理 (HC)、400度高溫爐處理 (HT)、100度去離子水處理 (HA)以及體積濃度34%硝酸處理 (HP)。利用X光光電子分析儀分析試片氧化膜化學性質;利用掃描試探針顯微鏡量測試片奈米化等級表面型態及粗糙度;利用接觸角量測儀評估試片氧化膜表面溼潤性;利用細胞刮取儀評估試片與纖維母細胞初期(三小時)黏附強度;利用多功能掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察纖維母細胞初期表面型態。從XPS以及接觸角量測結果顯示鈦六鋁四釩奈米表面溼潤性和其表面Ti-OH group含量相關。當試片表面溼潤性越高時,纖維母細胞初期黏附強度也隨之提高;從SPM結果顯示鈦六鋁四釩試片經由不同鈍化處理會改變表面粗糙度,其範圍為1.9~7.4nm;利用細胞刮取技術,纖維母細胞在四種不同表面鈍化處理的初期黏附強度為54~103nN。本實驗結果顯示鈦六鋁四釩合金經由不同表面鈍化處理,試片表面Ti-OH basic group含量、濕潤性、粗糙度均不相同,進而影響纖維母細胞在試片奈米表面上的初期細胞黏附強度和細胞型態。
 This study aims at investigating the initial adhesive force between fibroblasts and passivated Ti6Al4V alloy of nano-surface roughness. Effects of four passivation treatments were examined: non-treated (HC), heated in 400°C air (HT), aged in 100°C de-ionized water (HA), and immersed in volume 34% nitric acid (HP). The chemical property of surface oxide is measured by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS); the nano-surface roughness and morphology is measured by Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM); the surface wettability is measured by static contact angle assessment method; the initial adhesive force is measured by cytodetachment method; images of cell morphology is taken by Multi Scanning Electron Microscopy (M-SEM). The surface wettability is related to the content of basic Ti-OH group on the nano-surface of Ti6Al4V alloy. It has been observed that the higher the contact angle, the stronger the cell adhesion. By using SPM, it has been observed that different passivation treatments would modify the surface roughness of Ti6Al4V alloy differently, from 1.9nm to 7.4nm. By applying cytodetachment method, the initial cell adhesive force of fibroblasts was measured to be within 54 to 103nN for four different passivation treatments. Experimental results showed that different passivation treatment yielded different contents of basic Ti-OH group, wettability, and surface roughness, and they differently influenced the initial cell adhesive force and morphology of fibroblast on specimens of nano roughness.
摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 3
第三章 實驗材料與方法 7
3.1試片表面處理 7
3.1.1 試片表面研磨 7
3.1.2 試片表面拋光 7
3.1.3 試片表面鈍化 7
3.1.4 試片表面高壓滅菌 8
3.2 鈦六鋁四釩試片表面分析 8
3.2.1 表面型態分析 8
3.2.2 接觸角量測(Contact Angle) 8
3.3 細胞培養 9
3.4 細胞刮取實驗 9
3.4.1 夾具 10
3.4.2 細胞刮取儀 12
3.5 細胞型態觀察 13
3.5.1細胞固定所需藥品 13
3.5.2 細胞固定 14
3.5.3 臨界點乾燥 14
3.6 統計分析 15
第四章 結果 16
4.1 XPS分析結果 16
4.2 試片表面粗糙度與表面型態 17
4.3 試片接觸角量測 20
4.4 細胞黏附 22
4.5 細胞型態觀察 25
第五章 討論與結論 26
5.1 討論 26
5.1.1細胞黏附強度 26
5.1.2 試片表面濕潤性和化學性質對纖維細胞黏附影響 26
5.1.3 試片表面粗糙度對纖維細胞黏附影響 28
5.2 結論 29
參考文獻 30
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