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研究生(外文):Wen-Huang Lai
論文名稱(外文):A Session Splice Approach to Eliminate Triangle Route Problem in Mobile IP for Multimedia Transmissions
指導教授(外文):Ce-Kuen Shieh
外文關鍵詞:RTSPRTPMobile IPSIPStreamingSession SpliceTCP Splice
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  Playing multimedia data with mobile devices is the trend in mobile computing. However, roaming around networks has the session continuity problem because of Internet routing fundamentals. Although current proposals may handle the session continuity problem, they either incur unacceptable overheads or need applications or users to be aware of the movements. The former has negative impacts on multimedia communication while the latter burdens developers in designing their products and people in using the applications.
  In the paper we propose the session splice approach on multimedia communication for mobile computing. It permits a mobile device to establish multimedia communication directly with a streaming server while roaming. Accordingly, it has following advantages. Firstly, it maintains the mobility transparent to applications so applications and users are not aware of the movements. Secondly, multimedia applications can work directly on it without any modification, which is useful when application source codes are not available. Thirdly, it keeps the streaming server intact and maintains the compatibility with Internet protocols. Fourthly, it can work without Mobile IP and hence it has neither the triangular route problem nor the need to deploy agents. We implement the session splice approach in Windows 2000/XP. In the experiments with two multimedia applications, we prove that the session slice approach with the negligible overhead can conserve home network bandwidth and maintain stable variation of packet round trip time.
Chapter 1 Introduction 1

Chapter 2 Background and Related Works 4
2.1. Multimedia Streaming Protocol 4
2.2. Mobile IP 6
2.3. Mobile TCP 7
2.4. Session Initiation Protocol 7

Chapter 3 Session Splice 9
3.1. Overview 9
3.2. Working Principle 10
3.3. Module Design 13
3.3.1. Logging Multimedia Communication 13
3.3.2. Network Detection and Address Solicitation 14
3.3.3. Lightweight Protocol Stack 14
3.3.4. Establishing Sessions with Streaming Servers 15
3.3.5. Translating Syntax Data and Replaying Semantic Data 15

Chapter 4 Implementation 17
4.1. Protocol Engineering 17
4.2. TCP Splice 19

Chapter 5 Performance 22
5.1. Configuration 22
5.2. Overhead 23
5.3. Comparison with Mobile IP 24
5.3.1. Bandwidth Conservation in Home Network 24
5.3.2. Stable Variation of Packet Round Trip Time 26

Chapter 6 Conclusions 28

References 30
[1] C. Perkins, "IP Mobility Support for IPv4", RFC 3344.
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[4] J. Rosenberg et al, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261.
[5] S. Deering, "ICMP Router Discovery Messages", RFC 1256.
[6] R. Droms, "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol", RFC 2131.
[7] H. Schulzrinne, A. Rao, R. Lanphier, "Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP)", RFC 2326.
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[11] VideoLAN Client, http://www.videolan.org
[12] Darwin Streaming Server, http://www.apple.com/quicktime/streamingserver
[13] DummyNet, http://www.freebsd.org
[14] TrueCast, http://www.on2.com/truecast.php3
[15] Divert Sockets mini-HOWTO, http://www.faqs.org
[16] NDIS, http://www.microsoft.com
[17] ITU-T Recommendation G.107, "The E-Model, a computational model for use in transmission planning", December 1998.
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