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研究生(外文):Kuo-Hua Chung
論文名稱(外文):Empirical investigation of the relationship between interaction level metric and class defects
指導教授(外文):Hewijin Christine Jiau
外文關鍵詞:metric validationclass defectobject-oriented design metric
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  物件導向的軟體開發方式在近年逐漸受到重視,為了能夠有比較好的方式來評估並且控制物件導向軟體系統的品質,於是有許多物件導向設計度量被提出, 希望能夠在軟體設計的階段,就藉由物件導向設計度量來模型一些會影響到軟體品質的物件導向設計的特性,並且藉由這樣的設計度量得到一些軟體品質評估的方法。我們所主要針對的是實務去探討物件類別的信賴度與一個比較好的物件導向設計複雜度的關聯性,並且藉由幾個開放原始碼的軟體專案來做這樣的實務研究,除此之外,最後利用軟體視覺化的方法來呈現物件類別信賴度與設計複雜度之間的關係。最後的結果顯示物件導向設計複雜度可以做為是物件類別信賴度的一個指標。
 The object-oriented paradigm has become popular in recent years. In order to better evaluate and
control the quality of object-oriented software system, many object-oriented design metrics proposed to model the design properties that influence software quality during design phase. Many new metrics have been proposed, but only a few of them have been validated. The major focus of our work is to empirically investigate the relationship between class defect count and a better existing design complexity metric, Interaction Level (IL). Several open source projects are studied to perform such investigation. In addition, we also present the relationship between design complexity metric and class defect count by using software visualization technique. The result shows this metric can be a useful reliability indicator at the class level.
Table of Contents
Introduction ...............................................1

RelatedWork ................................................4

Interaction Level Metric ...................................9

3.1 ConceptualModel of Interaction Level ...................9
3.2 Definition of Interaction Level ....................... 10
3.3 Example ................................................12

ModelandHypotheses......................................... 15

Experiment Analysis ........................................21

5.1 Dependent and Independent Variables ....................22
5.2 Experimental Subjects ..................................23
5.3 AnalysisMethod .........................................25
5.3.1 P-Value ..............................................26
5.3.2 R-square value .......................................26
5.4 Experimental Result ....................................26
5.4.1 Influence of IL ......................................27
5.4.2 Influence of CBO .....................................27
5.4.3 Discussion of Result .................................28
5.5 Threats to Validity ....................................31

Chapter6 Implementation ....................................33

6.1 Functionality ......................................... 33
6.2 Visualization Results ..................................35
6.3 Summary ................................................39
6.3.1 FormalMethods ........................................40

7 Conclusion and Future Work ...............................42

Appendix ...................................................44
A Description Statistics ...................................44

References .................................................46
Vita .......................................................49
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