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研究生(外文):Chun-Yi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Parametric Investigation of Laser-Assisted Direct Imprinting (LADI) Technology for Periodic Structures
指導教授(外文):Fei-Bin Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:Laser-assisted Direct ImprintingLaser FluenceImprinted PressureImprinted DepthExcimer laser
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本文將研究雷射加工平台的建置,並且藉由設計平台來探討加工參數對於製程上的影響,包括了雷射能量密度(laser fluence)和壓印壓力對於壓印深度的影響,本文挑選雷射能量密度0.7∼1.2 J/cm2而壓印力量為2∼9 kg,藉以探討三者之間的互相影響。經由後續實驗的量測,壓印後的外觀及壓印深度與雷射能量密度及壓印壓力相關。
As the rapid development of semiconductor technology, the feature size which is smaller than 100nm has reached its limitation. At the present exposure wavelength, ArF (193nm in wavelength), optical photolithography technique with several resolution- enhancement techniques has already reached its physical limitation and the escalating cost has become a burden for many companies. Nano-imprinting Lithography (NIL) has been considered as the most promising technique for nano-scaled fabrication and patterning. Recently, a new approach known as Laser-Assisted Direct Imprinting (LADI) has been proposed and demonstrated as an even more efficient way for direct nanofabrication and nanopatterning. In this study, we focused on silicon materials and utilized a single KrF excimer laser pulse (248 nm wavelength and 30 ns pulse duration) as the heating source. Molds of micro-scaled size have been prepared using conventional photolithography techniques. A working platform based on an Excimer Laser Micro-Machining system is constructed for LADI process. The influence of laser fluence and the imprinted pressure on the resulting structures was verifying by varying the laser fluence (0.7∼1.2 J/cm2) and the imprinted load (2∼9 kg). The results have shown that the morphology and the imprinted depth were directly related to the laser fluence and the imprinted pressure.
List of Tables........................................VI
List of Figures......................................VII
Symbols Descriptions.................................XIV

Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Preface............................................1
1.2 Literature Survey..................................3
1.3 Motivation........................................11
1.4 Thesis Outlines...................................14

Chapter 2 Experimental Procedure
2.1 Mold Fabrication..................................15
2.1.1 Beforehand Preparation.........................15
2.1.2 Photolithography...............................18
2.1.3 Dry etching and Dicing.........................21
2.2 Laser-Assisted Direct Imprinting (LADI)...........26
2.2.1 Excimer Laser Micro-Machining System...........26
2.2.2 Designed Working Platform......................29
2.2.3 Process for LADI...............................31

Chapter 3 Results and Discussions
3.1 Results...........................................33
3.1.1 Surface appearance.............................33
3.1.2 Imprinted depth................................44
3.2 Discussions.......................................50

Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Perspective
4.1 Conclusions.......................................56
4.2 Future Perspective................................58

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