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研究生(外文):Chien-Hung Liao
論文名稱(外文):Production Control Considering Bottleneck Shifting and Multi-bottleneck for Production System with Hybrid Make-to-order and Make-to-stock
指導教授(外文):Hsi-Mei Hsu
外文關鍵詞:MTOMTShybrid productionproduction control
  • 被引用被引用:8
  • 點閱點閱:696
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在MTO (make-to-order)與MTS (make-to-stock)混線生產環境下,已知短期MTO的需求,且需求隨時改變,導致瓶頸資源可能發生瓶頸漂移及多瓶頸的情況下,本研究提出生產控制法則(MTS產品的投料與在製品在各工作站的派工優序)。該生產控制法則以MTO產品的達交率、MTS產品的產出率,及MTS產品的產出率與投料率的差異為主要生產績效考量。
In this study, we consider a production system with hybrid MTO (make-to-order) and MTS (make-to-stock). Corresponding to customers’ demand, bottleneck machine of this production system may be shifting. To deal with the environments mentioned-above, we present an algorithm to make the decision rule about releasing and dispatching to enhance the delivery-rate of MTO and the outputs of MTS. To avoid the bottleneck idling, we develop a time window- starvation avoidance (TW-SA) rule to release the MTS lots timely. The MTO lots have the higher priority than the MTS lots in every work shop, besides that the bottleneck is going to idle. When the WIP level before the bottleneck machine is lower than the threshold, the dispatching priorities among MTS lots are determined by SABT dispatch rule. Otherwise, the dispatching priorities are determined by the SRPT dispatch rule. Simulation results show that the delivery-rate for MTO products, a high output-rate for MTS products, and a small difference between input-rate and output-rate for MTS products of the proposed algorithm are better than other representative algorithm in literature.
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