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研究生(外文):Wang-Ling Tasi
論文名稱(外文):Micro Ploarization Beam Splitter for Free-Space Micro Optical Pickups
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MEMS-based optical pickups offer many advantages over conventional ones, including small size, light weight, high functionality and assembly steps. A free-space micro-optical pickup is consisted of many optical elements, among which polarization beam splitter (PBS) is a key component to split the light into two orthogonally polarized components, transverse electric(TE) and transverse magnetic(TM) modes. However, there is neither thin nor compact PBS that can efficiently produce polarized light and integrate with the free-space system.
The main objective of this thesis is to design and fabricate two types of SiN based micro-PBS: one is for 633 nm wavelength, the other is for 405 nm wavelength system. Silicon nitride membranes of low absorption in the visible wavelength and superior mechanical characteristic of low stress for red and blue ray application were deposited as an optical material. For the micro-optical pickup application, the design target is to have maximum transmittance of TM mode and detectable reflectance of the reflected TE mode. By choosing a proper thickness z of the thin film, the transmitted TM mode and reflective TE mode can be easily turned to be a desired value. A sensitivity analysis was conducted for fabrication and alignment tolerances. Based on the simulations, the planar PBS for demonstrating the properties of the thin film and pop-up PBS were fabricated. At Brewster angle incidence and proper thickness of the thin film, the transmitted TM mode of micro pop-up PBS are 89% and 50 % for red and blue ray spectra, respectively. Therefore, the SiN based micro-PBS has the potential to apply in the micro optical pickup.
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