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研究生(外文):Hung-Chih Yu
論文名稱(外文):Study of Electromigration in Thin Tin Film Using Edge Displacement Method
指導教授(外文):Chih Chen
外文關鍵詞:electromigrationthreshold current densitydrift velocityactivation energycritical lengthgrain boundary
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本實驗利用邊緣移動方法測量純錫薄膜的電遷移行為,並求得其電流的門檻電流密度以及其他參數。我們在矽晶片上面先鍍上一層1200 Å 的鈦膜,隨後在鈦膜上面鍍5000 Å厚的錫膜,在室溫(27 ℃~32 ℃)、50 ℃、75 ℃和100 ℃下,對純錫薄膜加以2.5 × 104 A/cm2到 1.5 × 105 A/cm2的電流密度,並觀察電遷移效應。實驗結果發現在室溫以及50 ℃下在陽極皆有看到針狀與島狀的錫凸塊,但是在75 ℃和100 ℃下在陽極只有見到島狀錫凸塊的生成,且在四個通電的環境溫度下,錫原子的漂移速率皆隨著電流密度增加而上升。實驗求得門檻電流密度在室溫、50 ℃、75 ℃和100 ℃下分別為1.93 × 104、9.65 × 103、9.57 × 103 和 7.93 × 103 A/cm2,並且求得純錫的電遷移活化能為0.32 eV。此外,在室外下由不同的錫條長度所算出的臨界長度為18 μm且由實驗結果計算得知純錫薄膜的DZ*值在室溫、50 ℃、75 ℃和100 ℃下分別為1.95 �e 10-10、4.84 �e 10-10、1.27 �e 10-9和1.99 �e 10-9 cm2/s。由於在無鉛銲料中錫的成分佔的比率皆相當高,所以這些純錫電遷移的基本研究顯得非常的重要。
Threshold current density and other electromigration parameters of pure Tin (Sn) films were measured using edge displacement method. Sn film with a thickness of 5000 Å was evaporated on a 1200Å-thick Ti film on a Si substrate. Electromigration behavior was investigated under the current densities of 2.5 × 104 to 1.5 × 105 A/cm2 at room temperature (R.T. = 27 ℃~32 ℃), 50 ℃, 75 ℃ and 100 ℃. Both needle-type and hillock-type whiskers grew in the anode end when the films were stressed at R.T. and 50 ℃, but only hillock-type whiskers were observed when they were stressed at 75 ℃ and 100 ℃. The electromigration rate increased linearly with the applied current density for the four stressing temperatures. The threshold current density (Jc) was measured to be 1.93 × 104, 9.65 × 103, 9.57 × 103 and 7.93 × 103 A/cm2 for R.T., 50 ℃, 75 ℃ and 100 ℃, respectively. The measured activation energy was 0.32 eV. In addition, the measured critical length of the Sn film was 18 μm at R.T. and the products of DZ* were 1.95 �e 10-10, 4.84 �e 10-10, 1.27 �e 10-9 and 1.99 �e 10-9 cm2/s for R.T., 50 ℃, 75 ℃ and 100 ℃, respectively.
Abstract in Chinese I
Abstract II
Contents III
List of figures V
List of tables VIII
Chapter1 Introduction 1
Chapter2 Literature Review 4
2.1 Electromigration theory 4
2.2 Edge displacement method 6
2.3 Backflux and critical length 9
2.4 Mean-time-to-failure (MTTF) 10
2.5 The electromigration behavior in solders 12
2.6 The effect of electromigration on the interface 17
2.7 The melting phenomenon in solder bumps 21
Chapter3 Experimental 24
3.1 Fabrication of samples 24
3.2 Sample analysis 27
Chapter4 Results and Discussion 30
4.1 Microstructure evolution 30
4.2 Threshold current density (Jc) 41
4.3 Activation energy ( Ea ) and DZ* 41
4.4 Critical length 46
Chapter5 Conclusions 50
References 51
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