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論文名稱(外文):The Effects of Switching Exchange on Firms' Credit Spreads
外文關鍵詞:Credit Spread
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The main purpose of this thesis is to report on the empirical results of an analysis of how credit spreads, the spreads between yields on corporate and government bonds, respond when a firm switches to another exchange. The relationship between credit spreads and several economic and financial variables were also analyzed. Data was collected from a sample of 235 bonds from 34 different issuers (firms) that moved from the American Stock Exchange (AMEX) to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and from the National Association of Securities Dealers’ Automated Quotations system (NASDAQ) to the NYSE during the period between 1998 - 2003. A key finding is that credit spreads decreased when firms switch from the AMEX to the NYSE and from the NASDAQ to the NYSE. The evidence is also conclusive and proves that whether a company moves from the NASDAQ to the NYSE or from the AMEX to the NYSE, the effects on credit spreads are similar. These results are consistent with intuition because switching will conduce to lower credit risk.
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