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研究生(外文):Chi-Wei Peng
論文名稱(外文):Power-Gating and XOR-Based Conditional Keepers Techniques for Energy-Efficient Content-Addressable Memory Design
指導教授(外文):Wei Hwang
外文關鍵詞:Content-Addressable Memoryenergy-efficient ternary content-addressable memoryXOR-based conditional keepernoise-tolerant match-line scheme for CAM
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本論文利用電源閘與互斥或邏輯閘保持器的技術,可以大量降低內容可定址記憶體之靜態與動態的功率消耗。由於CMOS製程已經進步到深次微米甚至奈米的時代,漏電流的問題也隨著臨界電壓及元件尺寸的降低而日益嚴重。一個應用電源閘技術的64行×32位元內容可定址記憶體,利用TSMC 100nm CMOS技術加以實現,由模擬結果顯示利用此技術可減少12%的動態功率及35%的靜態功率消耗且沒有造成任何搜尋時間的增加。另外,對於64行×32位元的內容可定址記憶體,應用電源閘的技術大約會增加7.8%的額外面積。

利用互斥或邏輯閘的條件式保持器的技術,本篇論文提出了一個全新抗雜訊比對線電路。利用互斥或邏輯閘的控制電路,在運算相位時即關掉保持器,藉此可以避免多餘的功率消耗及減少搜尋比對的時間。應用此技術,亦可降低比對線上之比對電路的元件尺寸,以達到減少比對線上負載的目的。一個高能源效應的256行×128位元三元內容可定址記憶體亦被提出,利用TSMC 0.13μm CMOS 技術來實現電路設計與佈局。根據模擬結果顯示,此新的三元內容可定址記憶體可以減少37.8%的搜尋比對時間及15.6%的動態功率消耗。
The low-power content-addressable memories (CAMs) using power-gating and XOR-based conditional keepers techniques are realized in this thesis. As the technology scale down to deep-submicron and nano-scale eras, the leakage current becomes more serious due to lower threshold voltage and smaller size of transistor devices. Applying power-gating techniques to 64-word x 32-bit CAM is implemented in TSMC 100nm CMOS technology. According to simulation results, the proposed CAM achieves 12% dynamic power reduction and 35% static power consumption and it doesn’t cause any search time overhead. However, for 64-word x 32-bit CAM array, 7.8% area overhead is caused by power-gating devices.
A novel noise-tolerant match-line scheme which applies the XOR-based conditional keeper techniques is proposed in this thesis. Based on the XOR-gate controller signal, the keeper would be turned off at the beginning of the evaluation phase. Accordingly, the proposed match-line scheme not only saves search power but also reduces the search time. In addition, if the XOR-based conditional keepers are applied, the smaller size of comparison circuit would be required to reduce the match-line loading at the same search time criteria. A 256-word x 128-bit energy-efficient ternary CAM is also proposed and simulations and layout are implemented in TSMC 0.13μm CMOS technology. Simulation results show that 37.8% search time reduction and 15.6% dynamic power saving are achieved by proposed ternary CAM.
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