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研究生(外文):Dao-Yen Yang
論文名稱(外文):Characterization and Modeling of RF MOSFETs under
指導教授(外文):Chun-Yen Chang
外文關鍵詞:RF MOSFETshot carrier effectoxide breakdownlinearitypowergate shot noisesmall-signal modeling
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近年來隨著生活水準提升,無線通訊 ( wireless communication) 市場快速成長,無論是學術界或是工業界皆無不極力地發展無線通訊這高科技 o 而微波元件則是通訊系統中最重要的骨架。又由於以矽為基底的金氧半場效電晶體已經成為射頻元件的主流,所以射頻金氧半場效電晶體的可靠度分析亦變得愈益重要。
另一方面,由於氧化層在崩潰後會產生一個漏電路徑,所以輸入端的阻抗以及反射係數會有很明顯的變化。值得注意的是金氧半場效電晶體在氧化層崩潰後會在氧化層區產生額外的散粒雜訊, 因此其最小雜訊值會劇烈地增加。
In recent years, with the improvement of living standard, the development of wireless communication has become the most important technology, not only in academic circles but also in the industries. Microwave transistors are the backbone of these modern wireless communication systems. Since the Si-based MOSFETs (metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors) have become the mainstream of RF transistors in recent years, the reliability of RF MOSFETs is more and more important.
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the characteristics of RF MOSFETs under hot carrier stress and oxide breakdown. In addition, we proposed a small-signal model individually after hot carrier (HC) stress and oxide breakdown (OBD) and discuss the variations of each small-signal parameter.
Firstly, we found that the degradations of cut-off frequency, noise and power characteristics are very obvious after HC stress. It can be explained by the decrease of the transconductance. In addition, the degradation of linearity can be softened by biasing the transistor at constant drain currents. This experimental observation can be explained by the change of threshold voltage, transconductance, subthreshold swing, and mobility under HC stress.
Secondly, since a new leakage path is generated in the gate oxide after oxide breakdown, the input impedance and optimized input reflection coefficient suffer degradations. It is worthwhile to notice that the minimum noise figure increases dramatically after hard oxide breakdown (HBD). It can be explained by the additional shot noise source in gate oxide after HBD.
Finally, from the small-signal model, the transconductance (gm0), drain-to-source resistance (Rds), and gate-to-source capacitance (Cgs) suffer more degradation after HC stress and oxide breakdown. We also confirm that the main leakage path locates at the gate and source/channel overlap region.
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