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研究生(外文):Yi-Che Lee
論文名稱(外文):Impact of Schottky Barrier on Carbon Nanotube FETs and Thin-Film Transistors
指導教授(外文):Bing-Yue Tsui
外文關鍵詞:Carbin nanotubeField-effect transistorThin-film transistorSchottky barrierLow temperaturesimulation
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在本論文中,我們提出了一種具有副閘極結構的元件結構,並且利用ISE TCAD元件模擬程式來模擬在不同副閘極電壓下的蕭基位障元件之電流特性。從模擬的結果中,我們發現因為蕭基位障會受到閘極電壓壓縮或是增厚,蕭基位障元件之ID-VG電流特性會出現雙極性的電流特性。而ID-VD特性則會因為汲極端的蕭基位障在不同的閘極電壓下,會受到汲極電壓的增加而降低位障高度,或是簡少位障厚度始得電流的變化出現完全不同的趨勢。
Since the carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFETs) were proposed in 1998, lots of researches have been performed and many interesting properties have been reported, for example ambipolar behavior. Until now, Schottky barrier model (SB model) is the most accepted model to explain the ambipoar I-V behavior of CNTFETs. However, there are still little direct evidences to prove that the CNTFETs are Schottky barrier devices.
In this work, we proposed a novel device structure with source/drain sub-gates and used ISE TCAD simulation program to reveal the behavior of the Schottky barrier devices with various sub-gate biases. From the simulation results, we found that due to the thickness of Schottky barrier would be thickened or be suppressed by the gate bias, the ID-VG behavior of SB devices shows ambipolar characteristic. Besides that, as a result of that the Schottky barrier at drain side is lowered or thinned at different gate bias, the ID-VD behavior shows completely different trend as the drain voltage increases.
When we apply positive voltage at sub-gates, the Schottky barrier at conduction band will be suppressed and that at valance band will be thickened. Therefore, the electron current will increase and the hole current will decreases and vice versa.
Electrical measurement shows that the CNTFETs and TFTs exhibit the same I-V characteristics trend with the simulation results and that the sub-gates could affect the characteristics of both CNTFETs and SBTFTs. However, due to the tiny one-dimensional geometry of CNT, the sub-gates have much less effect on CNTFETs.
Finally, we included temperature model into the simulation program to investigate the temperature effect of SBTFTs and CNTFETs. The measured temperature effect of CNTFETs shows quite good agreement with the simulation results. However, as a result of grain boundary in actual SBTFTs channel, the measured results are quite different from the simulattion results.
Conclusively, this work provides several direct evidences to support that the CNTFETs could be treated as SB devices with single crystalline channel.
論文摘要(中文).......................... i
論文摘要(英文).......................... iii
誌謝...................................... v
目錄...................................... vi
圖目錄.................................... ix

第一章 緒論
1-1 奈米碳管的發現與製作方式..................................1
1-2 奈米碳管的結構與特性......................................2
1-3 奈米碳管在電子元件上的應用 ...............................3
1-4 奈米碳管與金屬接觸面之蕭基位障............................6
1-5 蕭基位障之調變............................................6
1-6 論文結構..................................................7

第二章 元件結構與製程步驟
2-1 緒論.....................................................16
2-2 元件模擬結構與所使用之模型...............................17
2-3 實作樣品之元件結構.......................................17
2-4 元件佈局.................................................18
2-5 元件製程步驟.............................................19
2-6 元件量測.................................................22

第三章 常溫電性模擬結果討論
3-1 緒論 ....................................................29
3-2 電極功函數對薄膜電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ....................29
3-3 電極功函數對薄膜電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ....................30
3-4 副閘極電壓對薄膜電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ....................31
3-5 副閘極電壓對薄膜電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ....................32
3-6 源極端副閘極電壓對基板電壓調變電流之影響 ................32
3-7 小結 ....................................................33

4-1 緒論.....................................................44
4-2 副閘極結構對電性與製程之影響.............................44
4-3 金屬電極材料對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ..45
4-4 金屬電極材料對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ..47
4-5 副閘極電壓對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ....48
4-6 副閘極電壓對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ....49
4-7 源極端副閘極電壓對基板電壓調變電流之影響.................50
4-8 小結 ....................................................50

第五章 低溫電性模擬結果與討論
5-1 緒論.....................................................69
5-2 溫度對薄膜電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ..........................70
5-3 溫度對薄膜電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ..........................71
5-4 副閘極電壓對薄膜電晶體在不同溫度下之ID-VG特性之影響 ......71
5-5 副閘極電壓對於薄膜電晶體在不同溫度下之ID-VD特性之影響 ....72
5-6 小結 ....................................................73

第六章 低溫電性量測結果與討論
6-1 緒論.....................................................80
6-2溫度對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VG特性之影響 ...........80
6-3溫度對薄膜電晶體與奈米碳管電晶體ID-VD特性之影響 ...........82
6-4小結 .....................................................82

7-1 結論.....................................................87
7-2 未來展望.................................................88

參考文獻 ..................................................90

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