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研究生(外文):Li-Chun Chang
論文名稱(外文):Study on Fabrication and Application of Ba(Nd, Sm)2Ti4O12 Microwave Dielectrics
指導教授(外文):Bi-Shiou Chiou
外文關鍵詞:microwavedielectric ceramicslow temperature sintering
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近年來,由於高頻通訊元件快速發展,輕薄短小為現今元件之重要研究目標;為了要增加高頻的應用範圍、降低其生產成本、並達到體積的微小化,高介電常數及低損失因子等特性的需求更為迫切。其中,生產成本的降低是工業製造的最重要考量因素,而積層電容中的電極材料的成本佔總成本很大的部份,目前工業上最常用的內電極材料為鈀(Pd) 電極或銀-鈀(Ag-Pd) 電極,因此降低燒結溫度便為發展介電材料的重要趨勢,使其能夠和低耗損且低成本金屬如銀、銅或金等進行低溫共燒,是非常迫切需要的。本論文針對上述之方向做了下列三大部分進行探討與研究:
1. 嘗試在介電特性優良的鈦酸鋇釹釤介電材料中,加入適當的玻璃(Al2O3-doped glass) 以降低其燒結溫度,且依然擁有很好的微波特性。結果顯示,燒結溫度由1350℃降到1250℃,品質因子 (Q× f ) 由6000 GHz 提高至8700 GHz (at8 GHz),介電常數為30。
2. 低熔點之氧化硼的添加對Ba(Nd, Sm)2Ti4O12 介電材料之研究。研究發現,添加2 wt% 氧化硼的BNST 於燒結溫度為960℃時,其相對燒結密度可達到96%;添加1 wt% 氧化硼的BNST 於燒結溫度為1020℃時品質因子(Q× f ) 可達5500 GHz (at 6 GHz),介電常數為37。
以上兩種添加燒結助劑的顯微結構,皆出現具有 (002) 方向之從優取向的柱狀結晶。於添加氧化硼的系統中,本文對其液相燒結行為作深入的探討,並以X 光繞射的峰值與其添加燒結助劑相連結,進而提出其經驗式。
藉由阻抗分析法之高靈敏、簡易、可評估燒結體之晶體界面間等特性,以分析添加物及晶體結構對介電性質的影響。研究結果顯示,Cg、Cgb 隨著 (002) 從優取向的程度增加而有遞增的趨勢;添加玻璃的材料系統中發現,太多的玻璃相反而導致Cgb降低;研究亦發現ρg、ρgb 會隨著添加物的含量增加而降低。
Abstract (in Chinese) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- i
Abstract (in English) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Acknowledgements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
Contents ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
List of Tables ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ xi
Figures Caption -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- xii
Chapter 1 Introduction
1-1 Background ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-1
1-2 Motive and Goal of this Research ----------------------------------------------------- 1-9
1-3 Method of Attack ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-10
1-4 Outline of the Thesis ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1-11
Chapter 2 Literatures Review
2-1 Microwave Dielectrics ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-1
2-1-1 Theory of Microwave Dielectric Properties ---------------------------------------- 2-1
2-1-2 The Importance of Interface ---------------------------------------------------------- 2-1
2-2 Overview of Microwave Dielectric Materials --------------------------------------- 2-7
2-2-1 Materials Properties for Microwave Application ---------------------------------- 2-7
2-2-2 Classification of Capacitors ----------------------------------------------------------- 2-12
2-2-3 High-k Ceramic Dielectrics ----------------------------------------------------------- 2-14
2-3 Liquid Phase Sintering ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2-25
2-4 Overview of Thick Film Process ------------------------------------------------------ 2-29
Chapter 3 Measurements and Analysis
3-1 Resonance Technique for Microwave Dielectric ------------------------------------ 3-1
3-2 Impedance Spectroscopy --------------------------------------------------------------- 3-4
3-3 Electrical Properties Measurements --------------------------------------------------- 3-9
3-3-1 Dielectric Properties Measurements ------------------------------------------------- 3-9
3-3-2 Temperature-controlled Impedance Measurement System ----------------------- 3-9
3-4 Materials Analysis ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-12
3-4-1 Density Measurement ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-12
3-4-2 Phase Identification -------------------------------------------------------------------- 3-12
3-4-3 Composition Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------ 3-12
3-4-4 Microstructure Observation ----------------------------------------------------------- 3-13
Chapter 4 Sample Preparations
4-1 BNST Bulk Samples -------------------------------------------------------------------- 4-1
4-2 Thick Film Capacitors ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4-2
Chapter 5 Effect of Glass Additions on the Sintering Behaviors and Electrical Microwave Properties of BaO-Nd2O3-Sm2O3-TiO2 Ceramics
5-1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-1
5-2 Microstructure Characteristics --------------------------------------------------------- 5-3
5-3 Microwave Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-13
5-4 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5-17
Chapter 6 Effect of B2O3 Nano-coating on the Sintering Behaviors and Electrical Microwave Properties of Ba(Nd2-xSmx)Ti4O12 Ceramics
6-1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-1
6-2 Microstructure Characteristics --------------------------------------------------------- 6-2
6-3 Microwave Properties ------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-18
6-4 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6-20
Chapter 7 Electrical Behavior of BaO-Nd2O3-Sm2O3-TiO2 with Glass/Oxide Additives Analyzed by Impedance Spectroscopy
7-1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-1
7-2 Microstructure and Lattice Characteristics ------------------------------------------- 7-2
7-3 Impedance Spectroscopy Analysis ---------------------------------------------------- 7-9
7-4 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-19
Chapter 8 Microstructure and Electrical Properties of Ba(Nd, Sm)2Ti4O12 Thick-film Capacitor
8-1 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-1
8-2 Microstructure Characteristics --------------------------------------------------------- 8-3
8-3 Dielectric Properties --------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-7
8-4 Summary ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8-17
Chapter 9 Conclusions 9-1
References --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- R-1
A-I The Quality Factor ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A-1
A-II The Classification of Quality Factor -------------------------------------------------- A-5
A-III Analysis of Dielectric Resonator ------------------------------------------------------ A-9
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