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論文名稱(外文):Investigation on Reliability and Process Integration of Low Dielectric Constant Materials and Supercritical Carbon dioxide
指導教授(外文):Su-Lin Yang
外文關鍵詞:supercritical CO2low k
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本論文研究低介電常數材料MSZ (Methylsilsesquiazane)薄膜與超臨界二氧化碳流體 (Supercritical CO2 fluid)在積體電路製程整合的技術和可靠性分析。在傳統的多層導體連線微影製程中,去除光阻的步驟是無法避免的,而在去除光阻的過程中,氧電漿灰化是主要的製程方法,但此製程會造成低介電常數材料特性的劣化,且製程後必須使用化學溶劑去除電漿處理後的殘餘物,而這些化學溶劑不僅對人體和環境有害且需要使用大量水來處理這些溶劑。
In this thesis, we will investigate on reliability and process integration of low dirlrctric constant material MSZ (Methylsilsesquiazane) and Supercritical CO2 fluid. In the traditional lithography process for integrated circuit manufacture, photoresist removal step is an inevitable process. O2 plasma ashing is the main method to remove the photoresist during photoresist stripping process. It was found that the oxygen plasma will degrade the dielectric properties of low-k material. After plasma ashing, the residues need to be stripped by solvents, and the solvents have adverse affects on humans and environment. Besides, they need to be removed by large amount of water.
Supercritical CO2 fluid is one of the green solvents. It possesses the high density property like liquid, so it can transport more Supercritical fluid than liquid. And supercritical CO2 has diffusivity greater than liquid, allowing for rapid transport properties. Besides, the absence of surface tension provides for excellent mass transport into micro-porous matrices. In the experiment, we confirm that hard-baked photoresist can be stripped by supercritical CO2 fluid in the special condition, and it needs a small amount of solvents in the process. Comparing with oxygen plasma treatment, the process has little impact on MSZ film, and has little change in the dielectric constant and leakage current. On the reliability, the electrical properties of supercritical CO2 fluid process are better than that of O2 plasma ashing process.
With the excellent characteristic, supercritical CO2 fluid will has the advantage to integrate into the IC manufacturing processes.
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