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研究生(外文):SZU YU-MEI
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Consumers’ Behavior of Choosing Branch Service and ATM Service
指導教授(外文):Chen Quang-Hwa
外文關鍵詞:Branch ServiceATM ServiceConsumer BehaviorEKB Model
  • 被引用被引用:8
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Due to the changing financial environment and the coming of information age, consumers vary their demand type. They hope that they would obtain the products and services in quick and convenient way. However, traditional branch service is restricted by the operating time and location site. Moreover, limitedly increasing personnel’s service efficiency also confines service quality. According to Meredith’s prediction in 1999, the percentage of using branch service will diminish from 25 % in 1999 to 18.5% in 2003 in the worldwide general consuming financial exchange channel, and the percentage of using electronic service channel will boost. Based upon the research, the study is to probe consumers’ behavior of choosing rational branch service and ATM service, and this study also analyzes the influential factors when consumers choose branch service and ATM service.
The framework of this study mainly comes from consumer’s decision process in the EKB model; it analyzes valued factors by different consumers when choosing branch and ATM service. Also, we would anatomize consumers’ motive and information sources of selecting service channel and assay important influential factors of choosing bank attributes by different consumers. The samples are the citizens in the Taipei city whose age between 20 to 70 years old. The result shows that most outcomes of this study conform to Meredith’s prediction. The frequency of bank channels used most are ATM. Branch service follows behind ATM. The ones used less are telephone brand and Internet bank. The main reasons of consumers’ motive are security, self-operation and free service charge. Information sources are television, bank employee and Internet. Four factors that consumers choose branch service are geniality, certainty, completeness and active factor. Besides, the three factors that consumers choose ATM service are reliability, convenience and technology. Finally, the bank attributes are entirety, service and convenience.
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