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研究生(外文):Adonis Chen
論文名稱(外文):Research on the Relationship between Market Orientation、Cooperation Strength and Company Performance-An Empirical Assessment of Financial and Information Service Industry in Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Edwin Tang
外文關鍵詞:Market OrientationCooperation Strength
  • 被引用被引用:9
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市場導向這個議題在近年來獲得學者及經營者的高度重視,雖然國外已有相當數量的研究支持市場導向理論,但過去的文獻中以台灣業界為研究對象的實證研究並不多見,且各有其局限性,有必要增加台灣市場的實證研究以增加理論基礎。本研究以台灣市場一百六十六份問卷資料成功地驗證Narver and Slater(1990)的市場導向理論,確認市場導向理論在台灣的適用性。本研究也收集台灣業者所發展的企業強項資料,並探究不同企業強項和企業業務績效的關係。八項企業強項中的三項;專業程度、品牌優勢及客戶關係維繫在本研究中和企業業務績效有顯著且正向的關聯性。
The market orientation has been of interest to both researchers and practitioners for years. Although there are lots of empirical studies support the market orientation proposition, the volume of empirical study in Taiwan is rare and with limitation. The Narver and Slater(1990) results on the relation between market orientation and business performance successfully replicated in this study. This study also collects the practical cooperation strengths applied by Taiwan practitioners, and investigates the relation between cooperation strengths and business performance. There of right cooperation strengths, professional staff, brand advantage and good customer relationship, show significant and positive correlation with business performance in this study.
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