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研究生(外文):Guo Hua Lin
論文名稱(外文):Chaos synchronization and chaos control for integral and fractional order motor system
指導教授(外文):Zheng Ming Ge
外文關鍵詞:chaoschaotic synchronizationchaos controladaptive controlring connectionfractional order
  • 被引用被引用:1
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本篇論文利用了線性回饋控制法的單變數控制與適應控制法的單變數控制來完成混沌同步,並且應用了Pecoro 與 Carroll 的概念於無刷直流馬達電動機系統來達成完全混沌同步與延遲混沌同步。論文又提出無刷直流馬達電動機系統的廣義的完全同步、延遲同步及預測同步。混沌現象一般發生在至少為三階的非線性的自治系統中,我們得出小於三階及大於三階的分數階的非線性自治BLDCM系統中所發生的混沌行為並且利用線性回饋的控制方法使其穩定於系統之平衡點,最後亦可使其達到混沌同步。

In this thesis, synchronization by linear feedback control and adaptive control via a system variable, and global synchronization of three coupled chaotic systems with ring connection are achieved, and using conception of Pecoro and Carroll for complete, lag and anticipated synchronization are applied in BLDCM system. The generalized complete, lag and anticipated synchronization is presented in this thesis. In general, the chaotic behavior is found in nonlinear autonomous systems with order 3, in this thesis, we presented that chaos exists in the fractional order BLDCM system with order less than 3 and more than 3, and synchronization for fractional order of identical and different chaotic system are also achieved.
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