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研究生(外文):Mu sheng Liao
論文名稱(外文):Wafer to wafer control of etching rate in Transformer Coupled Plasma Processing Equipment
指導教授(外文):Chia-shui Lin
外文關鍵詞:PlasmaTCPTaguchi methodNeural Network Controller and identifierNeural Network Identifier
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電漿技術在半導體製程中廣泛被應用,例如乾蝕刻、薄膜沈積、去光阻等等都與電漿技術相關。隨著半導體工業的技術的進步積體電路的尺寸越做越小,所以蝕刻製程是否能精準完成微影中預定圖案轉移,為一個重要的製程。本論文中在Lam TCP 9400SE機台內使用氯氣來進行多晶矽蝕刻(Poly silicon),利用田口式實驗法建立電漿蝕刻機制的實驗模型,研究其蝕刻率、均勻度、電子密度、電子碰撞頻率與電漿蝕刻設備參數的關係。電漿蝕刻設備參數有電漿功率、偏壓功率、腔體壓力、氣體流量等等。在實驗模型基礎上,利用類神經控制器與鑑別器來做蝕刻率控制的模擬並評估其效果。
Plasma technology is widely used in the semiconductor processing, such as dry etching、thin film deposition、PR stripper etc. By technology evolution of the semiconductor industry, the size of the integrated circuit becomes smaller and smaller. It is important that the plasma etch process can transfer circuit pattern accurately to the wafer after photolithography. In this study, we use chlorine to etch poly silicon in Lam TCP 9400SE. We use Taguchi method to establish model of plasma etching mechanism to find relationship between etching rate、uniformity、electron density、electron collision rate and parameter of plasma etching equipment which includes source power、bias power、chamber pressure、gas flow etc. Based on the empirical model, neural network controller and identifier are used to control etching rate. The performance of controller will be evaluated and discussed based on simulation results.
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1. 01.王富茂著,淺論承攬人法定抵押權之成立及其實行,土地事務月刊,第一七九期,民國七十五年五月。
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7. 11.許仁舉著,土地登記效力相關問題簡介,土地事務月刊,第三八三期,民國九十二年五月。
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